View Full Version : Candida???????????

08-04-09, 23:45
Have any of you ever had or do have Candida??? I read that it can cause Anxiety, Depression, shortness of breath and a whole lot of other symptoms. So, I took the at home Saliva Test and supposedly I have it but I'm not sure cause I didn't go to a doctor but is there a medical test that can tell if you really do have Candida???? I don't think there really is one......

09-04-09, 00:52
the list of symptoms are long and very vague..I have 1/2 of them. However, I have symptoms for lots of things so....who knows. I am not sure if there is a test but if you took one at home I would assume there is one. I thought that the saliva test was for yeast infections down ya know....south??

09-04-09, 04:03
If you think you might have candida/thrush, either gets some live active culture yoghurt (sugar free) or some acidophilus capsules from your local health food shop. the live bacterias eat the yeast, and its perfectly natural. this is how i cured mine and it is an age old method. the more yogurt the better as it kills bad bacteria in your intestines and replaces it with good bacteria x

09-04-09, 07:27
I had a food intolerance test a few years back and the practioner told me i had had an intolerance to yeast and explained that yeast can make you very anxious and panicky. I could not cut it out as i love bread etc, i am my own worst enemy.
Also MSG (mono Sodium glutamate) which is found in chinese takeaways, ready meals etc can make you extremely anxious. I have had to cut this out of my diet completely as i used to be terrible the day following a takeaway. Someone once told me you buy some pills off internet that will rid your body of candida, however i don't know what they are called.

09-04-09, 08:41
Candida i had this of the tongue it went all black like type and my tongue was fury my doctors says it was fungal infection and gave me antibitoics for this which over time as clear up, a good diet also helps and is also caused by stress etc xx

10-04-09, 11:05
I suffer a lot with candida, although not diagnosed, i have a lot of the symptoms and find that alcohol really makes it flair up. Im sure if I could cut out alcohol, yeast and mushrooms Id be mutch better but its too much hassle as Im also a bread lover and I cant survive withought the odd drink to help me chill out, plus Im too scared that it would make no difference and that would really worry me more than I do about it now!!