View Full Version : dying

08-04-09, 23:51
hi new to this too.....totally freaking out about the fact i have to die and am probably going to bring it on sooner the way i'm worrying myself sick about it:wacko:

09-04-09, 00:09
i have the same worrys

09-04-09, 00:26
I, too, worry about that. That my drive to stay alive is really killing me. I don't know how to get beyond it.

09-04-09, 02:57
Hi Emma,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


09-04-09, 09:04
Hi Emma, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

09-04-09, 10:28
Hi and Welcome :)


09-04-09, 10:56
Emma hun we all have to die, its a fact of life. It is a horrible thought & im really not sure what to say other than we are only here once so please dont worry about it & waste your precious time.


09-04-09, 11:28
Hi and Welcome :)
I used to have a real fear of death and dying, and couldnt understand what the point of being alive was for such a short amount of time for only to pass away...as mad as that sounds. I just had such morbid thoughts. Life to me seemed so pointless and futile, and living day to day seemed to be a long drawn out struggle...then when I was ill I got diagnosed with my anxiety disorders and was told that such fears (when we dwell too much on morbid thoughts - not the general questioning over why we are we here & whats the meaning of life type thoughts) that it is a good sign of depression and anxiety. As my anxiety has now decreased a lot, so have the morbid thoughts and I find I enjoy life much more now, accept it for what it is, and I look forward to the future. Worry about death when its nearer the time if you have to. I have known people who were terminally ill who didnt panic about dying and went peacefully knowing that they were dying. I see it as a time for rest and the start of new beginnings, however everyone has their own thoughts and I guess where this is where having a religious or spiritutal belief helps. I used to tell myself when I sat worrying about death, that I will worry about it when I am 80 years old and between now and then I will live and appreciate life.
I realise it is easier said than done just to switch off your thoughts but please see how you are feeling as a sign of depression and anxiety.
Do you receive any therapy? take any medications? Have you told your gp how you feel?
You will find that there are plenty of others on this site who share the same worries as you and plenty who will be able to offer you support and advice.
Welcome to NMP! :welcome:

09-04-09, 12:22
Hi Emma

Welcome to the site, I think you will find many people on here who share your fear and you will get some good advice and support.

Take care


09-04-09, 17:57
A huge warm welcome to nmp

You'll get loads of advice and support and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx

09-04-09, 18:09
Hi welcome to this site. I used to worry about dying all the time as a teenager and in my twenties and I have gone through thinking I have had a brain tumour, leaukemia etc when it was all really stress and anxiety of getting these serious illnesses and I have only just accepted now the fact that I am going to die at sometime and yes its a horrible thought. If someone had said that to me 10 years ago I would have freaked and been totally anxious for days.

09-04-09, 20:20
No one obviously likes the idea of dying but how I dealt with it, and how it helped me over my fear was that was I begin to look into other ways of viewing it...thinking about life after death, having a faith, spirituality, buddhism and seeing it as a whole new beginning. I began to read about such things and it gave me a whole new outlook on death and dying. I hope I dont come across as some old hippy, as I am nothing like that!:wacko: