View Full Version : To make myself feel better...

09-04-09, 02:34
I'm going to write a list of all the symptoms I have.

If some of you have the same/have had a diagnosis I'd like to know because sometimes I think I'm the only one who gets like this. I really think my doctor dislikes me...


-Constant nausea
-Pressure/throbbing pain in one side of head
-Pressure at back of nose ((like somethings stuck there))
-Pain in abdomen
-Stabbing pains under and to the side of rib cage.
-Neck cramps
-Jaw pain ((really, really bad))
-Weakness in arms
-Constant "lump" in throat. Gets so bad that I honestly think I'm choking.
-Constant dizziness and general "sleepy" feeling
-General aches and pains
-Severe sleep problems
-Loss of appetite
-Muscle spasams
-Shortness of breath

Phew... that actually makes me feel better.
I just don't feel very well at all, and it's so difficult going to the doctor with all these symptoms just to be fobbed off with "It's just your anxiety." My doctor has been great so far, but I think he's getting sick of the sight of me.

I may have to change. For the second time this year. Im just sick of feeling sick! And I'm sick of being told that the reason I'm sick is because I panic too much!

Also, the fact that I find myself constantly checking for signs of stroke in myself is ridiculous and just insane..

will I always be this way? I don't want to be!

Just had to get all of those classic symptoms off my chest because no one else is listening to me :(

09-04-09, 03:35
i sure hope not you just discribe me. i know my doc lovely but whenever i mention something he take a quick look and say Nic guess what ur fine nothing wrong with u i can 100 percent garentee and im like u look at me put ur listening scope on and can tell all that im no where near convinced. so stuck in a rut

09-04-09, 03:37
OY i've had every last one of those. the one sided headache was particularly scary and annoying .. but getting a head and neck message helped tremendously and helped me realized it was muscle and fiber tension in my head and neck.

09-04-09, 03:59
your jaw and neck problems could be due to grinding your teeth in your sleep. its very common with people with anxiety. maybe you could ask someone to listen out for it when yer sleeping. if you do, you can get your dentist give you a night brace. i had one and it stopped my teeth grinding and in doing so lost my jaw ache. x

10-04-09, 11:19
Yes, I get or have had most of what you listed. Ill try and help you out with what symptoms you have:

-Constant nausea
I have this on and off, sometimes with a headache, feels like I have a bug but then it goes. Nausea is a VERY common stress sympton and unless your constantly being sick, I shouldnt worry too much.
-Pressure/throbbing pain in one side of head
I get this too, again, it comes and goes, but I think its all related to the teeth grinding, see below.
-Pressure at back of nose ((like somethings stuck there))
Gosh, something Ive not had yet, maybe get it later now Ive read about it though!! LOL
-Pain in abdomen
I had this last year, I thought it was period pains at first as thats how it felt and the pains where going down my legs and up my back, saw the doc who said it was upset stomach due to stress, (wouldnt commit to IBS as you have to have it for 6 months first!) The pain did seem to move about and I did have wind with it, and changing bowel movements. Taking fibregel did help this and the worst of it passed off after about 3 months, still get it a bit though.
-Stabbing pains under and to the side of rib cage.
Had a bad bought of this last year too, which really did scare me as Id never had it before, saw 3 different gps as I was convinced it was something horrible and got told every time that it was just tightening of the muscles caused by stress, and that where the pain was, under my left rib, there was nothing there to cause a problem, just muscle. It went eventually once I accepted that.
-Neck cramps
Not had neck cramps but had terrible foot cramps, ok, not quite in the same area, but again, told by doc it was due to my foot ware, (high heels and pointed boots!), went to see a chiropodist too who said that although poor footware would not help, it was a symptom of stress and recommended I take up meditation or yoga to calm down. I think your neck cramps are related to your jaw problems though.
-Jaw pain ((really, really bad))
-Constant "lump" in throat. Gets so bad that I honestly think I'm choking.
At the moment my main problem is with my throat which as you say feels like im going to choke. Ive been to the docs this week who said it is something called globulus hystericha, (or something near that), and it is muscle based. Im not totally convinced and he has offered me the option to have a camera stuck down my throat if I am really worried, but I dont fancy that and Im too scared that they will find somethig! It is funny though that I have also been suffering from broxism, which is grinding your teeth which I am aware that I do. My dentist keeps telling me I need a night brace and that it will stop it. Dont fancy that either, but think it sounds like a better option than the camera!!! I had the intense jaw ache for months, coupled with bad headaches, which seemed to have improved a bit but Ive now got this throat trouble.
-Weakness in arms
Ive had this in past years although not recently, I get more of an all over weakness, especially when I think of excersising or other physical activity which is a blow as Im convinced exercise would be a great help for a lot of my HA issues.
-Constant dizziness and general "sleepy" feeling
Im always tired, probably down to stress and lack of sleep as Im not very disciplined at going to bed at a decent time, and tend to have a rally at night!
-General aches and pains
All the time and all over, from twinges in my legs to pains in my neck and shoulders.
-Severe sleep problems
Not to bad at the mo, but go through spells of waking at 4am and not able to go back to sleep, resulting in only having 4-5 hours of sleep a night.
-Loss of appetite
Cant complain of this, I tend to have the opposite, unfortunately.
-Muscle spasams
I get this sometimes, and found that drinking lots of water and taking extra electrolytes does help, helped a lot with the foot cramps too, I also take extra magnesium and a multi vit but a sports drink does seem to help.
-Shortness of breath
I was getting this a lot and as Im asthmatic was worrying that I was having attacks which werent being helped by my inhaler, so I got a peak flo meter and every time I had trouble breathing I checked my peak flow only to see it was fine which put my mind at rest.

Sorry for the long rant but I hope it has helped a little.