View Full Version : Downhill so quickly eeeek!

09-04-09, 08:02
Hi everyone, am having a wee bit of a melt down and just needed well i dunno what I need!

I've suffered from depression, GAD, panic attacks since I was 19 and now nearly 30 - thats an eeek in itself!

I've always been on meds currently 40mg citalopram and propanolol. I was a right dafty and was feeling good, and got a bit lax with my tabs, i visited my folks and my mum told me i was nawty but i said I feel good i may ask for them to be reduced.

Oh flippin heck less than a week later I'm back to square one, I have up and downs but this has freaked me. just last 3 days of anxiety mainly at night, i cried at work, I just sobbed on my partner who has just been told she'l be redundant and I feel such a donkey. my job causes me stress its not stressful per se but lots of ppl off sick, morale low.

sorry to rattle on I felt so positive, id bought a car to learn to drive, my biggest fear, it was going good, we're getting married next year, my partner is wonderful, i have so much to be thankful for so why do i feel like this, why cant i get peace from it, what do i do? im on waiting list for CBT

do i need different meds, just need a good talking too? im so sorry to ramble i havent posted since June 2008!

thank you for letting me rant. hugs to everyone who fights this XXXX

09-04-09, 08:08
:hugs: Just sending you big hugs :hugs:

Its a blip....thats all...we all have them so try not to worry (easier said than done)

Its good that you have recognised the problems and now you need to sort them.....you can do this because youve done it before and nothing bad happened by going to the GP and getting tablets. It seems to me that your not ready to come off medication just yet (my limited exp) - book the appointment...get the meds....and try not to give yourself a hard time!!!!

I came off meds too soon, stopped taking them and voila Im back here...although today Im feeling relatively ok......

Hope you feel brighter soon.....shout if you need support and we can have a natter....I find talking helps

R x :winks:

09-04-09, 08:34
Hi Raine

Thanks for your reply sorry for my rant, Iv got in a right mess so quickly!

im supposed to have physio class at 8.30 but don't have energy to do much let alone that!

must muster the strength to go to work though!

what meds are you on Raine? im on one off the highest dose which is a bit scary for me! I didnt stop meds altogether just missed some days.

do you work? ok enough questions!

thanks again, Bex x

09-04-09, 12:32

Never apologise for ranting lovely....we all do it and its normal....plus sometimes its good just to let goooooo! :yesyes:

Yes I do work....although have found it difficult as some days its pains me to get out of bed and then my mind is all over the place and then I say stupid things....but saying that I go every day and if I feel things are getting too much for me (like I did last week) I book some time off for me....kinda keeps me going. Today is a good day so Im positive and feeling sprightly but who knows what tomorrow will bring (yesterday I cried on the phone to mum for about an hour!!!) - I cant keep beating myself up about it though because that puts me in even more of a mess.

Im on citilopram only 20mg but Im hoping to increase it next week when I visit the docs....Im not scared of asking for meds anymore as I know in the long run it will help and make me feel heaps better.

Myself I suffer from anxiety and depression which means that I get so stressed about the little things and get cross far to easily (only verbal) - I have at times little self worth and and feel lower than low about nothing - I cant even reason out why I feel like this!

Try not to beat yourself up...you will be fine....you know the reasons why your feeling like this (ie lack of tabs/coming off them too soon) - its not your fault...its all chemical...so try to relax - remember that the state that your in at the moment is a passing phase and it will indeed pass but not before you get the treatment you need. Accept today as a bad day - you dont need to explain anything to anyone but yourself and if it helps (it does me) write down how your feeling so that you can look back at what you wrote and have a little giggle at yourself when your feeling much better. Most of all challenge your thoughts....dont let them be taken as red without a bloody good excuse for being so.

Im here anytime you need a chat...maybe personal message me so we can be frank and honest without having everyone know (no offence anyone)

Hope your day becomes a little sunnier - shout if you need help.

R x

10-04-09, 08:59
I can relate to so much of this – especially the frustration that comes with trying so hard and then facing a setback. I guess the key is to realize that these are just setbacks and there is a way to move forward (much easier said than done, I know). You accomplished so much – try to remind yourself of the positivity you were feeling and how good it felt.

You don’t need to apologize for rambling – sometimes that’s a great way to release some of the anxiety and pressure that’s being felt.

Stay positive. Hope you feel better soon!!