View Full Version : Deja vu starting panic attack

11-08-05, 21:59
Has anybody else had deja vu's that induce the panic state?

I sometimes get this feeling of deja vu and then suddenly all thought leads to seeing myself dying on the floor as the outcome of the deja vu. This then induces the panic attack.
I've never seen deja vu mentioned. Is deja vu just induced by you imagining the same scenario over in your head time and again so that some part of your brain logs it as a "real" event?

Does anybody know what I mean with this?

They have reduced in frequency of late and if it does happen now I can usually sort of "catch myself" before shooting down the panic tunnel. It would be reassuring to know that this is a common symptom.

While I'm at it I'd just like to say again a HUGE thank you for this site. I only joined a few days ago but it's helped me massively. Because of the info on the site I'm now starting to actually believe that I am OK rather than just trying to think that I'm OK. I feel that for me this is the biggest stumbling block to get over. Still not there 100% yet but it's getting closer and generally going in the right direction which is the main thing.

Hope you are all well.

Cheers Trev

11-08-05, 22:30
Glad to hear that we've helped you understand and move on Trev.. We've got a reputation for being progressive.

**Is deja vu just induced by you imagining the same scenario over in your head time and again so that some part of your brain logs it as a "real" event?**

Some certainly is self induced by worrying about the worst outcome in a situation enough times that it feels real - just like people who live in fantasy worlds actually eventually believe it as they cann apply so much detail and have thought about so many scenarios within the surroundings.

Energy follows thought.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

12-08-05, 12:22
Thanks for the reply Meg,

the thing that throws me with these is that I can get a deja vu in a situation that I've never been in before and then it ends in the horrible way.
From what you say it sounds like maybe it's just a "normal" deja vu and then I'm tagging a worst case scenario onto the end of it without realising.

12-08-05, 14:42
Hi Trev

Think you may have just answered yourself in that last post.

How's the aerobic type exercise coming on (you still stuck like me at the yoga stage lol).

I'm thinking of buying a trampette now!!!!

Chat soon


"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

12-08-05, 14:49

I am pleased the site is helping you - it is good to hear that.

Hope things continue to get better for you.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

12-08-05, 15:38
Thanks Nicola.

Piglet, you've guessed it, I am still stuck at the yoga stage!! I keep threatening to go to the next level and get properly sweaty but I've not managed it on a regular basis. I've cycled to work a couple of times and I went to a friends gym on a freebie day. That went OK considering I had a spin out filling the forms in at the front desk...............the disclaimer had a section of "do you suffer from chest pains, dizziness" etc. at which point I did get the chest pains and dizziness!!!
Still, I did go in and did 1/2 hour on the bike, about 20 mins on the runner and a few lengths in the pool. I then felt a bit dodgy getting changed but I suppose that was to be expected so generally it went OK. I'm not confident though. I just need to get a regular routine going.

A trampette is a great idea. A friend of mine bought a trampoline for his kids (really for him!) and I had a little go on it. It was great fun and actually much more tiring than I would have imagined. Go for it and become a flying Piglet!! :D
Have you done any aerobic stuff lately? If so, how'd it go?

Btw does your quote at the bottom of your posts come from The Tao of Pooh book??? If so, I must get a copy coz that quote makes me smile every time I see it. There was a time not too long ago when I even used to think like that!!!!!! Anyway, take care

12-08-05, 17:11
Hi Trev

Had a good few chuckles at that post mainly at being a flying Piglet (I sorta like that idea and yet found it terrifying all in the same thought, lol).

I also like the bit about filling in the forms and starting to get the symptoms like the tight chest etc - oh so true!!!

I think that you did all that at the gym was brilliant - I'm having a little moment of not liking hills (even a bump in the road I regard as such) as I loathe getting out of breath. I told my mate and all our kids this week and we had a fun time not actually avoiding hills but taking them really slowly with me giving them a hard stare first!!!

This is why want to get a trampette (I did do star jumps on the landing a while ago and then stared at myself to see if I was going to have a heart attack - I decided perhaps I wasn't but that I definately needed a better bra).

I've gotta go now as my youngest daughter is making silly rude noises on her arm and I cant tell you how distracting that is!!!!!!!!

Love Piglet[8D]

Oh, by the way the saying is from 'The Pooh Book of Quotations' although I did read Pooh the philosopher or one of the others but have to say it all got a little complicated but very interesting too!

12-08-05, 18:30
Piglet - 3 words: Rigby and Peller. Ebay. Expensive but oh worth every penny.

Trev - well done - keep going.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

12-08-05, 19:50

Thank you - I had thought of putting a post on to see if anyone could recommend a make of trampette.

One that looked quite good was called 'Super tramp' (drawn to the name I think - although not a personal description lol).

Will trot off and look on e-bay now for Rigby and Peller.

Ta very much


12-08-05, 20:18
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Piglet - 3 words Rigby and Peller. Ebay. Expensive but oh worth every penny.

<div align="right">Originally posted by Meg - 12 August 2005 : 18:30:07</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Oh Meg,

Chuckle chuckle - I've just had such a blonde moment havent I. As soon as I got off I realised what you meant by Rigby & Peller. Duh!!!!

Anyway that bit sorted what about the Super tramp make, any good????

Oh boy, still laughing[:I][:I][:I][:I][:I]

Love Pig

13-08-05, 22:22
I have had this, but I usually just try to let it pass. Everyone gets deja vu, but only those who over-think it will get panicky about it. I usually just tell whoever I'm with that I'm having deja vu. It can be an interesting topic of conversation since most people can relate to it.

16-08-05, 12:44
I bought one of those trampolines it was only 15 quid from argos, pretty good, knackered after 10 mins.

Forget Rigby and Peller, try Brastop.com and Bravissimo if youre well endowed like me

luv Txx

28-03-13, 22:35
Has anybody else had deja vu's that induce the panic state?

I sometimes get this feeling of deja vu and then suddenly all thought leads to seeing myself dying on the floor as the outcome of the deja vu. This then induces the panic attack.
I've never seen deja vu mentioned. Is deja vu just induced by you imagining the same scenario over in your head time and again so that some part of your brain logs it as a "real" event?

Does anybody know what I mean with this?

They have reduced in frequency of late and if it does happen now I can usually sort of "catch myself" before shooting down the panic tunnel. It would be reassuring to know that this is a common symptom.

While I'm at it I'd just like to say again a HUGE thank you for this site. I only joined a few days ago but it's helped me massively. Because of the info on the site I'm now starting to actually believe that I am OK rather than just trying to think that I'm OK. I feel that for me this is the biggest stumbling block to get over. Still not there 100% yet but it's getting closer and generally going in the right direction which is the main thing.

Hope you are all well.

Cheers Trev

You probably have temporal lobe epilepsy (simple partial and complex partial seizures) if your deja vu is that intense and results in "panic" symptoms. I was told I had panic attacks for eight years before discovering they were seizures. call your doctor. now.

31-03-13, 12:34
I read an interesting theory on the cause of the Deja Vu feeling.

The explanation that seems most plausible, so far, is that because the brain involves many parts of itself when it communicates within itself, déjà vu’s occur when the brain experiences small delays in information transference. For example, instead of one piece of information being transferred simultaneously, it is broken into two pieces with a gap of about .25 milliseconds between them. Part A is sent, then .25 milliseconds later Part B is sent. It’s like a mini-echo of data arriving within the brain cells a split second later. When this occurs, it causes the brain to think that we’ve experienced this information before, when it is only an echo of the same data.