View Full Version : Night Sweats

09-04-09, 11:54
Hello there,

I would be really glad if anyone can help me with this!

I have been on Citalopram for about 3 months now and I’m still suffering from bad night sweats. At first I thought it might be the heating but last night my room was very cool and when I woke up I was still sweaty and even my boyfriend commented that I felt damp L

Has anyone else had these affects and should I expect them to disappear after a certain time? If they are here to stay is there anything I can do to lessen the effects? i.e. I thought perhaps taking my pill at a certain time of day may help?!

Thanks in advance,


09-04-09, 17:16
Hi Katie :)
Have you only had the bad night sweats since you went onto citalopram?

22-04-09, 14:05
Yes i have - they ahve been terrible!

22-04-09, 14:14
hello there i been on citralopram for 6 months and i have been having night sweats too i thought it was because my room gets a lot of sun and maybe my duvet was too hot but i think now its the meds the one night my back was soaking i know the weathers has been good but blimey i find cotton pjs help maybe leave a window open i take my meds at night x