View Full Version : Jiggling Feeling and Heart Rattling

09-04-09, 12:38
I keep getting these and just want to know if anyone else does?

I have been trying to come off my antids as I have been feeling fantastic for a while now but I cut down from 30mg to 15mg and then started taking 15mg every other day and now I feel a wreck, my nerves are so bad, my anxiety is terrible and i just feel so panicky but I have no idea why.

I keep feeling as though my heart and insides are rattling and my body keeps jiggling especially when I try to sleep, I though my husband was shaking his foot or leg in bedf and told him to stop only to discover it was actually me, I refused to believe him at first but I touched my leg and my whole body was jiggling which then sent me into a major panic attack, it keeps happening now, does anyone else feel like this? Could it be because I am trying to come off my antids and am only taking one every other day? I am scared that I am addicted to them now as I just cant seem to come off them, I felt like this last time I tried and my Dr told me I wasnt ready and put me back on them.

C x

15-04-09, 21:39
Just me then or maybe I posted on the wrong forum?

16-04-09, 10:38
Thanks Paul, I had acupuncture yesterday and had a lovely chat about the way I had been feeling and it turns out it was me trying to come off my antids, I had tried to quickly, I am still getting it slightly but no where near as much as I was.

I have tried to come off my antids 3 times now and failed everytime but my gp told me I could bhe off them in a week so I tried and it didnt work, my acupuncturist told me it takes much longer and I saw a different gp yesterday who also told me it would take a lot longer and I need to do it a lot slower.

It is just an awful feeling and it scares me and turns into a panic attack.
