View Full Version : Colposcopy, Ladies?

09-04-09, 13:10
I feel I need to write on here again as I am now going out of my mind with worry and I am so scared. I so look forward to the day I can come on this forum in a more supporting role and help others, but for now I am in a very bad place. I went for my colposcopy yesterday after having a severe abnormal result from my smear, she removed the bad cells and I will get results in 3-4 weeks, she did confirm I had CIN3 cells. Anyway we are only 1 day in and I am already in such a state and I don’t know who to talk to or what to do. And I have had an aching leg for the past 3 days which won’t go away so I am now convinced I have a tumour pressing on a nerve……

09-04-09, 15:36
oh hun, i am sure everything will be alright. CIN 3 does not mean you have cancer, its the level of abnormality the cells show. This means its best to treat as soon as possible to remove these cells, which you have had done now. Try and stay calm until your results come back, i know thats easier said than done, i have been through the same thing and somehow we just have to manage. When our anxiety is heightened as yours is now, all sorts of strange things happen, including pains, muscle aches etc, which i am sure is your problem. You can always pm for support. Take care.

09-04-09, 16:43

I went through this recently - well 2006 and I was exactly the same at cin 3 - worried the hell out of me and I cried lots. My main fear was the big C - but it wasnt Cancer - it was just abnormal cells which were removed with a cone biopsy after the colposcopy had returned the results. Its very common these days and I promise it doesnt always mean the worst. Positive thought though - your being monitored and thats a good thing.

Try not to worry hun (easier said than done I know) if you need to chat about it more and want to know more details just pm me.

Take care
R x

09-04-09, 19:15
Hi there, i am going through the same thing as you at the moment! Had the same thing around 2 years ago too and had a loop cone biopsy to sort it out...it is done under a general (if you are having this done) and i felt no discomfort at all after. I am currently waiting to go in for this again and have no worries at all about it - even though i suffer with bad anxiety and will hate the journey to hospital and back!

Honestly try not to dwell on it too much, although i understand it is hard not to! The doctors will sort this out for you very quickly :)
Happy to talk to you anytime if you would like to know the ins and outs so to speak!!

Nici xxx

09-04-09, 19:21
Hi Nicki,

I had my colposcopy yesterday and had the LLETZ treatment there and then, so hopefully they got it all, I do remember hearing her say there was a small area of CIN3. Anyway just gotta wait for the results which is awful, I can't seem to think about anything else not even for a minute. Have your abnormal cells returned then, and have you already had a colposcopy?

10-04-09, 11:54
Don't worry, you'll be absolutely fine.
It's surprising how many women have had treatment for CIN once you start asking around. When I had my "smear anxiety" after a borderline result, I found out that my mum had had colposcopy in the 1980s - she is now well into her 60s and probably healthier than me!

Regarding your aching leg, when I was waiting for the results from my repeat smear, I had similar symptoms. They were so bad I thought I wouldn't be able to walk soon - stabbing pains in the abdomen, groin and top of my legs, numbness, tingling, etc. As soon as I got the results (normal), all the symptoms disappeared. In fact, I'd forgotten all about them until I read your post. It's amazing what the anxiety can do to us physically!

10-04-09, 12:01
yes i too had this 15 years ago and all smears after have been normal, alo my friend has just had colposcopy and all is normal now

please dont worry this is just a precaution and a sensible one at that, but it is not a sign of anything really bad, just getting rid of cells that are abnormal not cancerous

i hope this helps

take it easy
