View Full Version : Help! So worried.

09-04-09, 14:08
i have ulcerative colitis and i hear it can turn to bowel cancer after 8 years or so. Ive had it 4 years. But now im having tingling and stiff sensations in my arms and legs, i have a soft stool and lots of mucus coming out with it. Im so terrified its turned to cancer. Please help me!

09-04-09, 15:25
Diarrhea with mucus is a symptom of ulcerative colitis.
Apparently you only have a greater risk of bowel cancer if involvement is in the right side of the colon. Is it, or is it nearer your rectum?



09-04-09, 15:29
Hi there, my 23 yr old brother has had this since he was 15, he has been extremely poorly with it. He also has diabetes and the combination of the two have resulted in many stays in hospital. I know this condition is an auto immune disease which could mean your immune system is weaker than others, have you looked at ways to boost your immune system.
He is under a consultant and for the last 18mths has been taking Aizothyoprin (not sure of spelling) and his condition is completely under control for the first time in a long time. He has a full blood test every quarter and sees his consultant who reviews everything.
I am sure what you are feeling is as a result of anxiety and it is understandable with what you have. Why not see your GP and if your not already being seen by a consultant regularly maybe you can ask to be referred to put your mind at rest.

09-04-09, 15:35

Where on earth did you hear that?
It won't turn to bowl cancer. Ulcerative Colitis can sometimes flare up for no reason and can be treated by your GP. The tingling and stiffness in your arms and legs just sounds like anxiety getting the better of you.

09-04-09, 15:45
I have Crohn's disease. Woo! I had a horrible flare up lasting for three years from when I was 20 to 23. I had IT ALL: pooing 15 times a day OR not pooing at all when I had bad blockages and vomiting instead. I had explosive bleeding from my bum. I had a perianal abscess the size of a satsuma. It was a fun three years!

I was given infliximab through an IV for 8 infusions...

...and since then, I have been symptom free.

Until now.
Aged nearly 26, I have a dull ache in the left hand side of my lower abdomen (have had it for two weeks now) and am starting to poo very slushy stools with lots of undigested food. Of course, because my HA is a million times worse since it was when I had Crohn's (back then, bleeding out my bum didn't bother me...OH, for those days to return!) I am now convinced I have a cancerous blockage, which is causing the pain and the poo.

In reality, I know it's my dodgy bowel giving me a bit of gip, and I should give it another week or so before going to the doctor.

UC and Crohn's are horrid, nasty diseases that thrive off stress...so the worse you're feeling, the worse it'll be.

Check me out giving advice, when all I can think about is "OMG I HAVE CANCER AND I AM DYING!"


Basically, my advice is to see the doc if your symptoms are still the same in 2 weeks from now. In the meantime, I find adjusting diet to PLAIN food (rice, plain chicken, dairy free, sugar-free) and trying not to eat too much stringy/high fibre veg can make me feel a lot better.

09-04-09, 20:45
i have full blown colitis all the way through. But im sure the symptoms would be a hell of a lot stronger if i had cancer! Im sure of it! My stools are still solid but just soft. There is a lot of mucus though. Am still quite worried.

09-04-09, 21:10
Hi there.. I have no experience with colitis or crohn's but I can vouch for the thoughts of cancer and horrible bouts of stomach problems. I think I may hav IBS not sure..BUT..

When I'm stressed,my bowels go HAYWIRE and it's just only recently I have realised this actually after posting bowel cancer posts all over NMP(i'm sorry)

I had severe constipation,then normal poohs when I felt a bit better now I'm a bit anxious again about things and now I'm getting diorreah.

I had BAD diarreah a good few weeks ago and it was explosive..mucous all roads.

If you're stressing it is gonna get worse..But then..I should take my own advice eh?

I am very sorry that you suffer this,it must be horrid and although I haven't suffered ulcerative colitis,I have suffered the horrible thoughts you're witnessing and sympathise with you on it all.

I hope it gets better with you soon and as someone said try eat a plain diet,kind of bland til things settle.

It worked for me for a bit.

xxxxAmy xxxx

09-04-09, 22:17
Wow Nub

I am going to move this to a new thread as we took over this one but I would like to talk more to you.

Bear with me and I will post the link

09-04-09, 22:23

09-04-09, 22:25

We are there lol