View Full Version : Period pains and symptoms

09-04-09, 17:49
Please tell me im not the only one.

About the week before my period starts. I feel hot, dizzy, stomach ache, feel sick, headaches, heart palpations (suffer with these alot any way due to HA but seems to get worse near time of month)

Im feeling so panicky at the moment, Started reading stuff on goggle which I should not have done.

I feel so awful.

Please reply if any one suffers with this because Its making me so worried xx

09-04-09, 18:26
im exactly the same - always a lot worse before my period. hormones make symptoms worse apparently
chin up
choco x

09-04-09, 20:19
Hi im the same I get all the same symptoms and because I worry about them I think it makes it worse ...

10-04-09, 10:00

I get that too, its horrible. Going to try and get a pill that doesnt have horrible side effects to try and control it cos its really messing me up emotionally.

Do you take a pill or anything?


10-04-09, 11:13
Hi Leeann,

No, you're definitely not the only one!
I get all of your symptoms every month plus a few others, I get very bad PMS. Mine lasts even longer, about 10 days, but I've learned to live with it. I started consciously reminding myself that it's PMS and "allowed" myself to be a bloated, sweaty, achy, moody mess for a few days every month, and strangely enough, these days it doesn't really bother me mentally.

It's worth remembering that the anxiety you're feeling is part of PMS, I get VERY panicky for a couple of days before my period, but again, I just keep reminding myself that it's PMS and it really helps.
I've also noticed that it's much worse if I'm hungry so I make sure I eat proper food three times a day during that week.

10-04-09, 15:06
Thanks every one. :)

Hiya Lisa no im not on the pill. With my anxiety I get worried bout taking tablets. I think the only thing im ok with taking is paracetamol. Even then I cant take 2 of them because I worry bout a reaction LOL (I no im stupid) x

10-04-09, 16:30
You are definatley not alone hun hormones play havoc with anxiety.. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX great fun being a woman

10-04-09, 16:36
Thanks every one. :)

Hiya Lisa no im not on the pill. With my anxiety I get worried bout taking tablets. I think the only thing im ok with taking is paracetamol. Even then I cant take 2 of them because I worry bout a reaction LOL (I no im stupid) x

Im the same as you scared of even paracetamol, no way to exist is it!!

Just started cilest pill because cant stand the anxiety every month but it has tasken me e while to realise that there is such a pattern and that the worry about the pill is less thatn the chronic anxiety.
