View Full Version : Referred to neurologist for migraines

09-04-09, 20:08
I have been getting migraines for quite a few months now which I assume is caused by anxiety. I've never bothered reporting to the doc but since the last one I've had excessive funny feeling in my right jand and leg especially the foot. Anyway I decided to speak to the doc about it expecting to be told to take paracetamol/aspirin and relax. Instead he mentioned strokes and asked if there was a history of any in my family. My BP was raised for first time ever when taken by a doc and then said he wants me to be seen by a neurologist within a month. He's given me Pizotifen to prevent migraines and said to take 2 eevry night til I'm seen at the hospital.

Anyway since I was expecting to be told there was no problem (as usual) it has taken me by surprise. i have a huge fear of MS and this is making me feel totally sick with worry and of course my symptoms have got worse.

Has anyone else been seen by a neuro because of migraines? what did they do? did they give you an MRI or CT? what was the outcome?

Thanks in advance!!

10-04-09, 17:14
If it`s your first visit the neurologist will probably just ask you all about your previous medical health,then he will ask you about your mgraines,like how long have you been getting them,where in the head they are and do you notice them coming on when your stressed etc.
He will probably check your eyes as well,get you to follow his finger with your eyes and test your reflexes,oh and he will ask about any medication you are on.
He will then if he thinks it necessary order further medical test like a CT scan or MRI scan or if he suspects MS he might want you to have a lumbur puncture.

10-04-09, 17:36
My best friend has the most horrendous migraines she has had them for years and she has one every week which usually lasts for two days and she has to go to bed they are that bad.

She has been seen about them with no joy. She had polio when she was young and they think there could be a connection.

11-04-09, 19:35
my son has hun and he has tablets and only has occasional attack, took him to chiropractor to that helped try it x