View Full Version : Help I feel giddy, sick and panicky

12-08-05, 10:33
Hi everyone.

Im not feeling to good today. I have been on Cipramil for 7 weeks now. The anxiety has got better but still have the odd bad day.

Got up fine this morning and then washed my hair. Every since have been feeling a bit giddy. I feel spaced out and have a slight headache and feel a bit sick. Maybe the bending over the bath to soon after gettig out of bed had made me feel like this. I was late up and jumped out of bed and straight away washed my hair. I am saying this so I have a reason to feel like this. Maybe I am just having an off day. I have just noticed if I moved too quick I feel a bit dizzy. Come to think of it my ear feels a bit full. Mayve its that.

Sorry to go on. I have health anxiety and I hate feeling like this. I am at work at the moment and I feel bit panicky now. Even looking at computer and typing is making me feel bit giddy.

Also for the past 4 weeks I have had trouble sleeping. I dont go to sleep till after 2 sometimes 3am and have to be up early. Has anyone else had trouble sleeping whilst on Cipramil?

12-08-05, 11:59
Hi Mandie

I have had the dizzy stuff too, it will pass but it's not a very pleasant symptom of dear Mr Anxiety.
I can't help with the sleep as I am not on medication, but I'm sure someone will reassure you.

Take care

Elaine x

12-08-05, 15:34
Yes you may have got up too fast and got dizzy and then not let go of the thought that you are dizzy and its grown and bothered you ever since

When do you take your Cipramil - morniong/ evening ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

12-08-05, 17:34
Thats funny Mandie - I did the exact same thing last year washing my hair as soon as I got out of bed which made me feel so dizzy I had to go straight back and lie down for 20 mins.

My eyes also felt out of focus particularly one eye - I was terrified, I thought it was a detached retina or something but it all calmed down and went away.

I have got my head around the dizzy symptom now, can't say I like it but I've only had it about twice in the last two years lasting for a week or two in the main. It could be to do with your ears (I often think mine is) as they do affect balance etc but I have to say it is also a classic anxiety symptom too!!!!!

Love Piglet[8D]

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-08-05, 00:26
Thanks for the replies.

Meg, I take my Cipramil in the morning after breakfast. You are right about not letting go of the thought. Thats what I am like. Have thought about it all day, so have had it on and off.

I hate this anxiety thing. Its really getting to me. I either get the dizzy days or the aches and pains in chest and back days. They seem to take turns. Never get both the pains on the same day. Wonder what it will be tomorrow? See its all I can think of. If only I could not think about having any symptoms, then Im sure I wouldnt get them (if that makes sense)

Sorry I am waffling now. Im just fed up of this. I want to feel normal again!

13-08-05, 09:31
**Have thought about it all day, so have had it on and off.**

You're so right.. think about it and you'll get the anxiety symptoms.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-08-05, 13:07
Hi Mandie

Hope you are feeling better
I , like you think about a symptom and hey presto ! within 24 hrs it appears. I think the secret it to try and not let it panic you although it's hard and eventually they become less and less. Don't know if this makes sense or not!!

Take care

Elaine x