View Full Version : tracey g

tracey g
09-04-09, 21:36
hi everyone, i have suffered panic attacks and more recently general anxiety for 2 years. I finally plucked up the courage to take my very patient drs advice and take mirtazipine tabletes which have helped soooo much. The only problem is, i have gained lots and lots of weight and have become really unfit. I am not happy about this at all but ANYTHING is better than anxiety and panic. I have been on med for about 5 months. Anyone else have this problem?:huh:

09-04-09, 22:45
Hi and welcome :)

As i understand, weight gain is a very common side effect to any mood stabiliser.


09-04-09, 23:29

God I am the size of a house myself.

IT is a common side effect of many drugs. But just because you are taking them, it doesnt mean you cannot control your weight. Exercise, eat less. the usual. It will work! It might not be as easy as when you are not taking meds but you certainly can lose weight whiole on meds.

My main problems is carbs. It is quite common with people witha nxiety, we crave carbs. Try to reduce your sugar and refined carbs and stick to lean protein and complex carbs and leafy greens. In no time and without being too hungry, the weight will drop off you

Meds do not mean you have to be bigger, they just mean you have to work a bit harder not to be.

10-04-09, 09:57
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice and support here, and the chatroom is very good as well, i'm meant to start back on prozac soon but have been putting it off as i put weight on with them last time, so i'll just have to try and really watch my diet this time but it's not always easy, take care xx

10-04-09, 14:13
Hi Tracey, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

10-04-09, 14:26
Hi Tracey

Welcome to the site, don't worry about the weight you can sort that out when you feel better just concentrate on getting yourself well again. You will find some good advice and support on here.

Take care


10-04-09, 14:55
Hi Tracey,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,
