View Full Version : are we worrying ourselves to death........

09-04-09, 22:23
hi everyone does anyone else wonder how our bodies can tolerate all the stress and worry we put ourselves through day in day out....and usually its all for nothing...we put ourselves through tests that we dont really need(except our mind tells us otherwise!!!)....for us 2 just move on from one illness 2 another...i often ask myself why my brain is doing this to me...have we been born this way inclined or has something triggered it...and why oh why cant we get over it and live our lives normally again........i and i know everyone of you would hope one day we will become "normal" again...but what if it doesnt happen and all this worrying actually causes us "real" problems......surely all this worrying aint good for our brains or bodies what if its the worrying that gets us and not our feared illness...i seem to spend my life worrying and thinking way 2 much...that i never actually relax-is this the problem..im soooooooooo fed up with all this worrying...any thoughtxxx

09-04-09, 22:50
tell me about it im worse this week then i ever have been, i just feel so angry with myself why have i put myself through this, why am i doing this to myself cause apparently thoughts dont come out of thin air we make them up so why am i thinking i got something wrong with me or going to die.
they say the trick is ro look it right in the eyes i say i know what u are adrenaline in my blood but when u get a new thought or even the ols one come bk with an army i just want shut it all out and cry and shake and think i need to be locked up cause im mad must be who else thinks likes this. im so angry with myself.

09-04-09, 22:58

This is one of the motivators I have to stop myself worrying over endless illnesses which just aren't there...Our bodies can only take so much stress and its proven that stress is a contributing factor to terrible diseases such as cancer. My mum got it 3 times all after intense episodes of stress.

I decided I need to give my body and mind a break and trust in it more, i am much more relaxed now. I would hate to think that my constant stressing over illnesses could contribute to one, whats the point?

Its tough though but food for thought.
Thanks for bringing this up!


09-04-09, 23:12
i read in a panic book that our brains are like computers if we keep feeding it postive thinking and being good to ourselfs then we have a happy life. but if we keep feeding it negative thought then our bodies do what we tell them. like the saying be careful what you wish for.

09-04-09, 23:15
My doctor says that your heart can beat at 180 beats per minute for days and if it is healthy, it wouldnt get damaged.

Our bodies are resilient and although stress does make them ache and puts a strain on them, it will certainly not kill you.

It is your mind what you have to focus on because this is where the damage is mostly done.

09-04-09, 23:23
I have my quotes head on today :shades: and have posted a few on here. Two which are relevant I think to this thread are the following;

"Never worry about your heart till it stops beating."
- E.B. White

"If I had my life to live over, I would perhaps have more actual troubles but I'd have fewer imaginary ones"
- Don Herold

10-04-09, 00:11
well said. i think we put it into a physical symtom cause we so use to having phusical symtoms a trip to the doctors some pills and better. we dont want to believe its our mind cause where do we start, they say to revaluate ur life and chance it, but where do you start its so difficult......

10-04-09, 09:53
:) what alot of us are doing or have done if we are recovered - is worrying ourselves sick! - not making ourselves ill, just making ourselves miserable - if you find the right tools you can stop it - if you believe you were born this way or its genetic, you will have less chance of recovery as you will see it as inevitable - you may have predisposition to feel overly anxious - however from an intellectual perspective we know that we can change the way we think/ perceive - i have been anxious for over half of my life - i am not free of anxiety - that isnt possible or desirable - but i relate to it differently and that has made a massive life changing difference to me:yesyes:

10-04-09, 11:15
tell me about it im worse this week then i ever have been, i just feel so angry with myself why have i put myself through this, why am i doing this to myself cause apparently thoughts dont come out of thin air we make them up so why am i thinking i got something wrong with me or going to die.
they say the trick is ro look it right in the eyes i say i know what u are adrenaline in my blood but when u get a new thought or even the ols one come bk with an army i just want shut it all out and cry and shake and think i need to be locked up cause im mad must be who else thinks likes this. im so angry with myself.

I have racked my brains day in day out to try and make people understand HOW I FEEL AND WHY I CAN'T "JUST BE NORMAL":weep:
You have said it perfectly - EACH time panic strikes it is worse than before - It hits you before you can prepare to "look it in the eye":ohmy:
Thank you for that post
Best wishes
:hugs: :hugs:

10-04-09, 15:27
hi there.........emmas you have got it so right with the fact we are making ourselves miserable with this worrying..not necesserily ill.....its the worrying and thoughts about illnesses that gets to you..and for me it is worse than the actual symptoms themselves-i read an article yesterday and it said there is a worrying growing number of "CYBERCHONDRIACS" out there ...we basically look up symptoms and diagnose ourselves and for some people do it instead of visiting the doctors..unlike us HA suffers i know who run to the docs with every little thing regarding our health....i wish i could be like my partner worry free about his health-he thinks you shouldnt start worrying about your health till your in your fifties..im 29 now and i think he is right...i feel i have wasted the best part of my twenties with this wretched thing........xxx

11-04-09, 10:52
:D you may feel like that now, but eventually you may see a positive side to having been a sufferer of an anxiety disorder - you may live your life more fully now? - you can recover - anxiety is anxiety whatever form it takes - get the written recovery programme from nopanic (telford based charity) and you will learn that these disorders are nothing more than bad habits - you are not saddled with them for life - if you can ever remember a time when you ddint feel like this - or periods in your life when your anxieties werent active? that is the real you underneath this very bad habit - you can be free - i am and i suffered for more than half of my life - i never let go of the idea that this was not how i was supposed to be - i am supposed to be the girl i once was, carefree and happy, and i am finally feeling that again now - except now i rely on no-one to help me to feel like that - i have to work at it day in day out, to stop th enegative habit from ever becoming the norm - i hear those thoughts but i choose to ignore them - through practising mindfulness i have learnt to relate to my thoughts differently - you dont have to believe the thoguths that tell you you have a disease you can see them as thoughts that pass in and out of your mind and that are habit driven - be aware of them, watch them and them choose to ignore them, they arent true! and let them pass on their way - these thoughts are not you!!!!!

16-12-10, 15:40
this is a fantastic thread, with some wonderful insight!! I think I needed to read this today.
and yes, I do think about all this.

16-12-10, 16:19
Absolutely love this thread it has given me the lift I needed today. I am learning slowly to change my habits and I have to say today's been a bad day but thru changing the way I think I have managed to stay panic free today even tho I'm ill and low!

Anxiety no longer rules my life I have changed my way of thinking and realised i am in control only I can rid myself of this demon!! And I WILL!! :)
