View Full Version : your ultimate fear...what is it

09-04-09, 22:27
ok we all have a big fear with HA mine has swung from brain tumours to dropping dead with a heart attack but out of everything the fear of cancer is what is keeping me in this state....how about everybody else???xxx

09-04-09, 22:34
Used to be straightforward brain tumour.

Is now any sort of cancer (colon, ovary or cervical being the choice cancers this month for my HA) that has metastasised, specifically to the brain. Convinced that this has happened and I am just waiting for it to be diagnosed.

09-04-09, 23:22
yeah agreed. Cancers the big one, with some MS and stroke chucked in. Seasoned lightly with a brain tumor and Walah! The perfect recipe for a crappy life

09-04-09, 23:31
It used to be ventricular tachychardia / arrhythmia

Now it is schizophrenia.

I have gone through liver, HIV, cancer and that's it. For the last couple of years that is. I cannot even remember before.

09-04-09, 23:33
Mine is getting a tapeworm since I saw some horrible programme about them! :scared15:

09-04-09, 23:34
getting a tapeworm. now taht one was unexpected!

09-04-09, 23:48
Hidden cancer that will be so far advanced when they eventually find it, I'll die

09-04-09, 23:49
This is a happy thread :)


10-04-09, 00:00
It is a bit gloom and doom isnt it! lol

Eurotrash - I know it prob wasnt what you were expecting but I really have a thing about tapeworms. Have you even seen one? They are disgusting. :scared15:

10-04-09, 00:06
i fear stop breathing, or throat closing, heart attacks, alzemas cant spell but big issue cause i keep forgetting everything. then i got in a state and now think ms.

10-04-09, 00:35
Mine started out as being afraid of sinus pressure so I thought it was cancer. I was fine for about 9 months, then started having heart palpitations so since then I've gone from heart disorders to being terrified of heart attack.

So right now, my biggest fear is heart attack. Yuck.

10-04-09, 15:36
not a happy thread........sorry but i just wondered if the dreaded C was the ultimate fear..and i think with most people it is...i wish we could live our lives with the "what will be will be" motto as most of us will probably never have a very serious illness.. if the fear could just leave my brain then these stupid thoughts would go...i know....xx

10-04-09, 16:02
HIV - due to the stigma attached to it aswell as the disease itself

10-04-09, 16:06

I am with you on that one. Infact its the stigma and infecting others that scares me and worries me sooooooo much. I wish soooooo much I could go back to beliving I have cancer, I know that sounds nuts but at least its only my body and no one would blame me for having it!

10-04-09, 16:29
My biggest fear used to be getting cancer like Leukemia, cos i have a huge fear of the B word, the red stuff, (can't even bring my self to type that word, it makes me shake and feel sick the thought of it) and needles and refuse point blank to have them so i thought if i got that id just die. now my biggest fear is fainting and getting seriously sick and not being able to go to hospital.

10-04-09, 16:52

Hepatitis a,b or c
and going blind through dog poo - yeah yeah I know - that one is linked to my OCD big time.

In fact I have a serious phobia of dog poo - I get panicky when I see it and my daughter walks near it!!!

10-04-09, 16:54
Mine use to be anything health wise, from brain tumors, heart attack, cancer..
but now it really is just dropping down dead... just stopping breathing as i have a constant tight chest :(

10-04-09, 23:59
My ultimate fear "right now" is infection, i'm afraid of having an infection in my body that is running through my body and will reach my heart or brain and kill me.
But that's right now last week it was my heart:wacko:

11-04-09, 01:13
depends on the day dying in general cancer stopping breathing and choking

11-04-09, 10:39
Right now I'm not even that scared of cancer in general, if it's caught early and there's time for surgery etc, but I am terrified a hidden, symptomless cancer that gets very advanced... or of symptoms being ignored/laughed at by doctors until it's far too late.

11-04-09, 10:44
The big "C" and it seems to be mentioned everywhere, everything I hear, read and see, so its not like you can forget about it. However I have thought that i had so many diseases since my anxiety began almost 20yrs ago and never got any of them even though sometimes the symptoms were quite severe.

11-04-09, 10:46
hello guys my is cancer also my mother passed away with it when i was young. Also i know this might sound strange but simply task like going to the supermarket scares me at the moment but i did go after i finished work @ 12 midnight when i knew alot of people was nt going to be there. xxx

11-04-09, 10:55
thats a good point actually - my Dr knows how much I worry about cancer - do you reckon its like the little boy that cried wolf and he doesn't take any of my symptoms seriously :ohmy: :roflmao:

11-04-09, 16:08
Well earlier this year, it was a brain tumor, and stroke.. But, when I went to the doctor and told him what I though, he laughed and simply said welcome to Florida, being the top state for allergies.. gave me singulair and i've been fine ever since.

But the past few days, i've been having heart palpations.. and that automatically triggers in my brain, "omg.. heart attack... disorder.. i'm gonna stop breathing.. my hearts gonna stop.. i'm not gonna make it today".. and than before you know it the day is over and i wake up feeling okay and than i'll feel something weird in my body and i just loose it all again.

it's gotten so bad that i'm like super dizzy when i stand... freaking anxiety.. gosh!

All this feeling, at just 19 years of age.

11-04-09, 18:13
not waking up and aneurism and brain tumor and meningitis!!! i feel so silly admitting that but i guess we're all in the same boat!

12-04-09, 20:29
Heart stopping, unable to breathe, or just dropping down dead...

Lovely stuff!

13-04-09, 20:01
HIV and not being able to explain how I got it

13-04-09, 20:29

Just cancer of anything. Me getting it,any of my loved ones getting it.

The fears just now are

Skin cancer
Cervical cancer
Ovarian cancer
Womb..infact anything cancer to be honest.

Worried about my mum having ovarian cancer cos she has had bad back and sides for a while.

Worrying that food is linked to cell changes that my lead to cancer..I dunno..Crazy stuff...chemicals in food and stuffs aswell

13-04-09, 20:34
Cancer - of any kind too WeeMee!
Particularly atm - ovarian, cervical, womb because I have a bad lower back - it is a longstanding sports injury from playing hockey but I just seem to convince myself it's cancer..!

HIV alot

Brain tumour

I see a pattern running through all of these posts :D

13-04-09, 21:10
luchipoo,same along with pelvic pain..that's what worsened my fear..along with jade God bless her.

and yes alot of us fear the big c..it's just cos you can't really escape from it..hearing it,seeing it,it's everywhere and it might be cause i'm aware just now..but it seemsto becoming more epidemic?i dont think that's the right word but you know what i mean....hopefully!

09-05-09, 20:41
brain tumour and stroke seem to be the only ones that hugely affect me, then there's lung and throat cancer.

miss polly
12-05-09, 19:38
My fear is lung cancer, oral cancer, kidney and liver disease, bowel cancer and the over-riding one at the moment is heart attack or stroke. I've convinced myself over the years that I've had everyone of them and been fine, but my luck's got to run out sometime and the older I get, the worse and more intense the fear.:weep:

12-05-09, 19:43
Ok...here are mine...

Neurological disease
My GERD and IBS turning into something else
Heart problems
Suffocating and dying in my sleep

12-05-09, 19:46
My big one right now is cancer because I have this perception that they probably wouldn't catch it until it's too late since they expect young people to be healthy. But really, I kind of have a general fear of pain, sickness, and dying young.