View Full Version : Blood in stools......curiosity..please help:S

09-04-09, 23:13
Im a constant stool checker..for blood and stuff.. and iv recently had 2 occult blood things, both came back clear, but the thing is im still checking, and today i noticed a few darker patches, and im so scared..

With bleeding, like say if it was something serious, does it last, like, would it have been picked up by the test? Or can it decide random days to strike??
Im really really worried:S

09-04-09, 23:16
it depends. What other symptoms do you have with it? Im sure its nothing at all!

09-04-09, 23:18
i have done that. CHecking my poo. Isnt it fun?

If you have had tests, it is extremely unlikely that all of a sudden you have coime up with something dangerous.

Unless your stools become really dark (like wet ground coffee) you have nothing to worry about in terms of internal bleeding... ANd that is lots of black stuff, not a couple of stains caused by the food you eat

IN terms of bright red blood, it tends to be related to haemorrhoids, fissures, constipation, straining etc... and although it is worth having it checked out if it happens, it is certainly not indicative of a medical emergency.

09-04-09, 23:22
Well for ages, iv had weird rectum/anal pains, and thought i spotted a bit of blood on a stool, went the docs, she said she thought it was piles, like internal ones. Iv since had the blood thing, and it was okay, but like, im still at it, thinking that maybe that day i was just lucky, but like theres still something bad.

Iv also had lower back pains, like my tailbone area, which paniced me SO much, thought it could be related to a tumour or something, but the doc wasn't so bothered about it..

I am waiting for a referral, but im kinda just too scared to do it really.

09-04-09, 23:25
it really doesnt sound like anything to worry about. 5 years ago I was excreting nothing but dark blood and mucus and I only have colitis! Sounds like piles or a fissure to me! ive had a bit of light red blood lately! And the pain around your anus you talk about. Is it like an itching pain?

09-04-09, 23:32
Nope, its like sharp pains that last like a second or so..but i do get some itching too..I dunno, its kinda odd, and worries me like hell, but everytime the docs just been kinda laid back about it.. and like mentioned how my thinking about it will be making it worse..so iv tried to stop focusing on it and *touch wood* its not been AS frequent recently, but still there a bit every now and then..

Sometimes it when i move in a certain way which makes it happen:S

09-04-09, 23:35
oh right! You mean shooting pains? I get them all the time! They make you kind of jump up for a second? Its defo a trapped nerve and the blood sounds like a fissure! I absolutely 100% believe that there is nothing wrong there mate honestly! Ive had the full works when it comes to back end pain lol

09-04-09, 23:40
Oh my goodness, its so relieving to talk to somebody like you haha:)

Thank you very much for your replies, iv not really found many people who have been able to relate like that:) Yeah, just like that, its really horrible for a few seconds, and then cos im thinking about it so much, sometimes its just like achey..odd huh?

09-04-09, 23:42
haha it is strange! especially when you feel like your the only one whose had it. But your fine! i usually get an itching sensation as well as shooting pains so youve only got half! Lucky you lol. Any other problems I can help with just PM me because ive had most things anyway lol

10-04-09, 00:01
I occasionally get itching too:P Were both in the wars:P Well thanks alot for your help:):) xxxx