View Full Version : Back On Citalopram, Got Questions

09-04-09, 23:20

Im back on citalopram after a few years of being off it. but now i am gettin some weird stomach issues...

Never had these first time round so i am really wondering if anyone else has suffered from this?

Replies apreciated



09-04-09, 23:22
I did to begin with, they were a bit unpleasant, they went away after a few weeks.

I would not worry too much about it unless it gets unbearable

22-07-09, 14:18
I'm just back on Citalopram, day one.

I was already been sick etc which is most likely down to the anixety so I expect it won't get much better. I can remeber from first time around that I had some stomach issues but these went after a few days if not a week.


22-07-09, 14:32
Was on citalopram for 10 years and it worked. Went off them for 3 years but sadly had to start again a few months back and just couldnt cope with them this time. Mainly cause of tummy problems which never happened before. Ive been on so many different types of ad am now determined to find another way. Been cold turkey now for 9 days and its tough but gonna try some of the things listed in the remedy section on here...Fingers crossed..