View Full Version : Another good day on Citalopram :)

09-04-09, 23:44
Just to say I have had yet another great day due to citalopram. This has been 3 whole days of feeling so good and not in over a year have I had more than a couple of days. :)
This time last year I was heading straight into my breakdown and spending hours on the phone to the Samaritans (Thank You Samaritans! :yesyes:) and this time this year I am feeling so good and so much better. I never ever thought I would start to feel better.
To anyone who is thinking that the tablets are not working as yet and are getting all the horrid side effects, please hang on in there, because they really do start to work eventually (well for me they have)
To anyone who thinks their anxiety will never get better - it can!
Maybe I will have a bad day tomorrow but I am so greatful for the past 3 perfect days!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

10-04-09, 00:02
Nice one Poppy, that's the spirit! Enjoy the good days, remember them, because they will be your armour against the bad days :)

10-04-09, 08:02
Hi Poppy

Yay for feeling good!!!!!!
Hope today is a happy happy happy one too!

Much Love

R xxx

Marc EH
10-04-09, 10:31
That's great news Poppy! How long have you been on Citalopram?

10-04-09, 11:13
Glad to hear that!

Yes, I love the 'waves' of good feeling I get...


10-04-09, 11:59
Thanks for all your lovely replies! :)
Today is another good day too!!! I know at some point I will 'level out' but for now I am enjoying how great I am feeling.
I keep laughing too and someone remarked how good it is to hear me laughing again. It makes me sit up and take notice when I laugh because I honestly dont think I laughed or even smiled for months and months!!!!
Thank god for whoever invented anti depressants!!! :yesyes:

10-04-09, 13:59
Awwww Poppy I had to reply because you sound as ecstatic as me due to Cit, I sing, I laugh, I have my kids in hysterics playing the clown again. It really is all down to Cit and I am SO SO pleased that I gave them ago...a couple of months ago I was only a shadow of my self.

I truly didn't know if they would work but we are both proof that they do for some.

Long may it last!


10-04-09, 16:33
How long you two been on them Poppy and snowdrop. ?

10-04-09, 16:34
Glad your both doing so well by the way its great feeling happy . xxx

10-04-09, 16:40
Glad your feeling good :) gives me hope too.
I'm on day 5 of citalopram, been abit up and down, not having a good day today but I'm determined to wait out the first few weeks!

x x x x

Lion King
10-04-09, 17:24
Hi Poppy,

Glad t read that you are doing really well, I am on Cit (20mg) for the last 3 and a half weeks and my anxiety is still affecting me!

Can you tell me when the cit started kicking in?


Lion King

10-04-09, 21:04
Hi everyone!
Thanks for the replies! :)
I have been on citalopram for about a month...I am only taking 15mg but should be taking 20mg working gradually up to 30 or 40 mg.
I find this dose to be adequate enough for me at the moment though.
I started off feeling really good, and then went down and then since the past few days I have really been feeling the benefits. They have really helped even at this quite low dose.
My partner (soon to be ex!) is stressing me out today though so maybe I will just go straight up to 40mg tomorrow so that no matter how much he annoys me I will be totally oblivious to it all and will just smile sweetly at him!:D
I hope the citalopram works well for all of you. It really is worth sticking with it and not giving up before it has had chance to work.

10-04-09, 23:47
Hi Poppy

Im so glad you eventually were brave enough to go on the cit. I remember posting to you before when you were scared to take them.
Dont worry about increasing the dose cos it doesnt mean you will suffer any more side effects, and by the way it takes 6 weeks before they kick in fully and thats after you find the right dose for you. Once there you have to take them for at leaswt 7-8 months before thinking about reducing.

Hang in there and well done.

Best regards


11-04-09, 10:43
Lion King, you've been on it roughly the same time I have and I do still feel anxiety bubbling below the surface, some days hardly at all and other days quite often. Now the medication is subduing the anxiety it's our turn to confront the anxiety and deal with it in a productive way. I'm getting counselling and trying to find a new job. In the meantime I spend a lot of time with my friends and family keeping myself occupied. This helps a lot.