View Full Version : early pregnancy symptoms??

09-04-09, 23:46
Hi, im really down in the dumps at the minute, just found out im 7 weeks pregnant and for the last week or so the top of my left leg is giving me grief, it feels like its clicking when i walk and if i lie on it for a lil while it hurts so much, even if i cross my legs, i have got myself so panicked thinking its arthritus or even worse bone cancer, i really need some advice, im sitting writing this at the bedside of my 15 month old lil girl who is in hospital with septic tonsilitus, ear throat and urine infection, i feel like a bad mam evenb thinking about my pain and i really need to focus on her its just hurting me, when i talk to my partner/parents they tell me not to worry and shrug it off, but worrying is what i do best, i feel so low at the minute xx

10-04-09, 00:29
hi linz
its ok for them to say not to worry but if its sore its sore
go get a app with docs when you can and ask him about it
in meantime you can take co codamol or paracetamol which is excellent for bone pain and allowed these while pregnant
try and get it in a position that eases it and relax as best you can
and all the best for that little girl in bed ok xx

10-04-09, 00:53
thanks finny, im so stressed, i always hink the worst, just wish this want happening now, xx

10-04-09, 01:25
now i have convinced myself i have cervical cancer as leg pain comes up in the symptoms!!, i cant see doctor until after bank holiday weekend. i am gettin myself all anxious and thinking im going to die

10-04-09, 08:07

Congratulations on the pregnancy (I'm nearly 19 wks), and I am so sorry to hear your little girl is not well, hope she's better soon. I find when I'm stressed I focus on my symptoms whatever they may be at the time. Pregnancy has given me all sorts of aches and pains, but cos I'm pregnant and health anxious I focus in on them and make my mind up that it is something really bad. I've been having alot of knee pain which I can get no relief from when it starts.

It is no wonder that you are down in the dumps spending so much time at your little girls bed side and being in the early stages of pregnancy. You must be totally worn out. And if you are confined to a hospital bedside most of the time it is really no wonder that you are having bone/muscular pain as it is hardly a relaxing home from home experience.

Try to distract yourself if you can, and think about seeing your GP if you can fit it in as that may put your mind at rest.

Take care

10-04-09, 08:08

10-04-09, 09:13
I don't believe a "clicking leg" is part of the cervical cancer symptoms. I know for one, when i was pregnant i got aches and pains where i never thought i would!

I regulary have pain in the top of my leg/groin area, never thought i could possibly have cervical cancer but after a couple of abnormal smears - i'm worried now.

10-04-09, 09:46
sorry your feeling low - your little girl is ill, you are 7 weeks pregnant, you have no-one who really understands - they care but it is limited as they dont suffer - give yourself a break - you are in a very stressful period - go with the flow and in no time at all you will start to feel better - bad times dont last, good times dont last - take each day as it comes and try to be positive:hugs:

10-04-09, 10:57
Hello linz,

When your pregnant all the hormonal changes (progesterone I think) cause your joints to become looser and you get all kinds of wierd pains. When I was 7 weeks pregnant with my 3 year old I remember having a horrible lower back pain. My hips click loads at the moment and are painful but when I went to see an orthapaedic doc yesterday they weren't worried about it. I am worrying about cervical cancer so asked if it could be a sign and the doc didn't think it was.
Hope this helps. Hope your little one feels better soon. xx

10-04-09, 12:13
hiya, congratulatons,
when i had my second baby i had this its sooo sore but dont panic its nothing bad, my pelvis had seperated to far which is common on 2nd 3rd n so on labours which hurts legs back and pelvis area n makes a clicking, when you go to your next appointment tell your midwife but the doctor told me to wear tight cycling shorts to help keep it together, it wont be cervical cancer and that will all be scored out when you have your scan anyway, xxx

10-04-09, 14:38

Congrats on your pregnancy! I remember having similar symptoms when I was prgnt with my first. Doc said it was just your pelvis area expanding to make way for your growing uterus. You can also get, I think doc called it referred paid, when something lies on a nerve in your stomach but you get a pain in your leg, I had a lot of that too. I shouldnt worry too much, your body goes through a lot of changes during prgncy and not always the same as a previous one. Take care and I hope your little girl is better soon.

11-04-09, 23:25
thanks to everyone for all the messages its made me feel so much better, i know im probs being silly as painkillers help ease what ever it is. It is quite hard to stay positive at the minute. My little girl has been diagnosed with herpes in her mouth, she is so poorly but hopefully on the mend and we are in the best place. Thanks again :),

11-04-09, 23:44
sounds like spd to me sweetie, google spd.... i had it from around 20 weeks preg, but some of my friends have had it from as early on at 4 weeks preg....
i guarentee its not bone cancer....

11-04-09, 23:46

tell your gp you think you have spd and will refer you for physio...it really helps...the other thing that helps is a support tubigrip thing or a pregnancy support belt around your hips...honestly sweets....
ill put money on it that its spd...! xxxxx