View Full Version : Am I Losing It.?..........

10-04-09, 01:45
Hi last week my balance was all over the place I had to be helped to the loo, but dr gave me tablets that as settled everything, now and again I keep dropping things for no reason, my legs are weak and my arms, could I have ms or is it just my anxiety getting to me cause I'm having a bad week. I'm always confused will put something down and can't find it and it right infrount of me.
Also my glands have been swollen for weeks I had anti biotics but still bad not hurting though I felt like they r closing up. I want to go to the doctors but I'm afraid now to drive incase I overbreath like I normally do and pass out driving, is this possible??

Please help i m really bad

10-04-09, 01:50
we all here have a fear of passing out! most of us don't though even if we panic.
bring a paper bag with you and breath into it, it will help you regain your normal calm breathing.
you say your balance was bad but the tablets seem to help, so maybe it was just anxiety after all?
go back to your doctor or try a new one for peace of mind.
have you ever gotten these symptoms before? if they are new then get them checked out properly.

10-04-09, 01:58
No haven't felt this bad before. I've been trying to brush it off but I had toast this morning was eating it and it just dropped out of my hand. And I was carring cheesto the counter earlier before I reached it dropped I will have to get it checked drs shut till tuesday so I'm going to be in a state all weekend, are these the symtoms cause I don want to google it but my balance as come bk better not perfect.

10-04-09, 13:11
Hi I think you need to sit back and relax for a while ... listen to some music or maybe watch tv ... something to take your mind off it ... im sure its just your anxiety ... I know its easier said than done ... but do try it ... hope you feel better soon .

10-04-09, 18:08
Nicola_lou, have you ever tried Relaxation CDs?? I find having a soak in the bath (with radox relaxing or calming bubble bath) candles lit and a cd on helps me. If not i dim the lights and lie on the sofa.. I have a huge collection of relaxation CDs now, but my fave has to be 'sounds of the ocean' and i have just been downloading some music by 'Enya' .. you shud try it :D

10-04-09, 23:40
I had a panic attack about an hour ago I felt like I was choking, now my left arm and hand is really weakand my hand is shaking, it doesn't feel like it mine, its so week I can just about get it to type a button for me on my phone I'm really scared. And my left leg to. And I'm having spasms in the my throat is that dangerous

11-04-09, 11:28
How are you feeling this morning?
I also had a panic attack last night, so i wasnt online :-(
I know how you feel.. This happens to me to, its always my left arm and leg, they get heavy and numb, and i convince myself im having some kind of stroke!
Its just your muscles tensing up, due to panic. My GP has told me this so many times, but when it happens i cant seem to tell myself im ok!
Try not to worry bbe :-)

11-04-09, 11:35
nicola lou i think you should may be go to A&E if you feel you need to??? or try to relax take deep breath and give yourself you time. xx

11-04-09, 12:08
:hugs: Please try reading the pages on here

There is a lot about hyperventilation followed by information on "dizziness"
I suffer from massive panic and HA.
I use these pages and have copied them to carry with me for confidence to read on the bus or wherever I am.
I hope this helps
best wishes
Sorry to state the obvious but if you are afraid to drive to the docs - how about a taxi?
:hugs: :hugs: