View Full Version : Sorry to moan again :-(

Marc EH
10-04-09, 10:11
Hi, I'm on day 9 of 10mg Citalopram and I'm starting to panic because I'm still feeling really bad. I'm suffering from the same anxiety symptoms - light headed a lot of the day, blurred vision, headaches and some muscle pain. I've had all the blood tests done and eyes been tested and all fine so that's why I'm on Citalopram. Am I being silly or should I be worried that I'm still feeling this way? :weep:

Thanks, Marc

10-04-09, 10:34
Hiya Marc, dont worry about feeling a bit worse for the next few days, its normal to have these side effects. It does get better and soon you will star to feel a bit happier. Just keep your chin up and try stay positive.


10-04-09, 10:45
I had similar side effects when starting citralopam. It will get better and I found it really helps me :)

10-04-09, 11:16
Hey up Marc, keep ploughing through, I didn't even feel remotely better until day 10, and even then it was day 17 before I knew for certain I was coming out of my permanent anxiety. I'm into the 20s now and the difference in me is obvious to everyone, me most of all.

You will get there too mate. Keep going! You can do it! You will be glad that you did!

10-04-09, 11:39
Hi Marc! :)
You asked in your other post what dosage I am taking - I am taking 15mg at present time and have been on them for a few weeks - not sure exact date as I forget everything! I should be on 20mg by now but I get scared of taking tablets as I think I will stop breathing or choke on them :wacko:
I started off feeling great on them, had a few side effects but only minor ones, which have now disapeared, then I felt down and now I am having a run of good days, and these are the best days I have had in over a year. I feel so good. I had a lot of encouragement off the others on this site and I persevered in taking them when I was ready to stop taking them. I am so glad that I didnt stop.
Please carry on taking them, it will be worth it in the long run.
No pain no gain and all of that! :)

Marc EH
10-04-09, 13:00
Thanks guys for all your kind words - I do know this but every morning when I wake I hope the symptoms have gone and worry myself :-(

10-04-09, 15:54
Don't worry mate, even if you carry on waking up feeling bad for the next few days, eventually a day will come when you don't feel so bad. It is a gradual process. As your anxiety and panic attacks start to subside, the good feelings gradually filter in to replace them. Wake up enough times feeling good and, well, half the battle is won :D

Also don't think about the days when you woke up feeling bad. I did that a lot and I realise now you will only keep yourself trapped in a loop. Think ahead and imagine feeling better. There's no point looking back. You can't go there again. Look ahead with excitement :)

Marc EH
10-04-09, 17:44
Oh no - I'm having such a bad afternoon :mad: My sight is blurred and I've been getting in a panic and I did something stupid and googled 'Brain Tumor'. I'm sorry but I was in such a state and a lot of the symptoms I haven't got apart from the blurred vision and being a bit off balance! The doctor/Optician would have noticed a difference in my eyes anyway wouldn't they? I'm so sorry, I need to calm down...:weep:

10-04-09, 17:57
Hi Marc! you have not got a brain tumour,its just anxiety!the more frightened you are of it the worse it gets.Try some deep breathing and try to relax.The side effects will go, & STOP GOOGLING. all the best Sue:hugs:

10-04-09, 21:02
You would probably know if you had a tumour cos you would suffer all sorts of problems including nausea, sudden uncontrollable thoughts/actions, passing out, etc. Don't worry though we have all googled brain tumour symptoms at some point ;)

10-04-09, 22:57
Hi Marc :)
When I was first taking citalopram I had problems with blurred vision and this is a common side effect of them- try not to worry too much - the side effects will soon fade and eventually pass.
I used to imagine I was seeing things out of the corners of my eyes too that were not there.:wacko: Both of the side effects have now fully gone :)

10-04-09, 23:42
Hi Marc

Just read your posts. Hang in there mate as everyone is telling you. I was on 40mg of Citalopram for a year.
You are only on 10mg which is a very small dose. the side effects will go and then your GP will propably increase the dose to 20mg. This is very normal. It doesnt mean you will suffer any other side effects when you increase.
You will only see a difference after 10 - 14 days but it takes 6 weeks for these tablets to work fully and you will feeel good.
I know that you sometimes feel worse at certain times of the day but dont attribute everything to the tablet its just the anxiety thats causing it.

These tablets worked great for me and after 18 months I gradually eased off them and didnt feel any side effects at all. Regardless of all the scaremongering about them on this site they are not addictive and they will help you.

Best regards


Marc EH
13-04-09, 17:53
Thanks for the help.

I'm now on day 12 and I'm still having real trouble with my vision - it's just blurred a lot of the time and feeling light headed. Shall I just carry on as I am or should I stop taken them until I see the doctor?

13-04-09, 18:00
Hi Marc :)
If you feel your problems with your vision and light headedness are causing you problems then go to see your gp as he will be better able to advise you about this,
Dont stop suddenly taking your medication. Carry on taking the medication until you get to see your gp. You could get withdrawal reactions to stopping the medication suddenly and it is never advisable to suddenly stop due any anti anxiety or anti depressant medication to that reason.
Read your patient info leaflet and it will list light headedness as a common side effect. I had the blurred vision but it wasnt enough to cause me real sight problems.
Let us know how you get on.

Marc EH
13-04-09, 18:03
Thanks Poppy. I want to just carry on as I am seeing my GP after 3 weeks and I'm sure it is just either side effects and/or more anxiety don't you think?

13-04-09, 18:05
This is a common side effect& it does get better Marc.Stick with it ,i know its not nice ,but 10mg is a low dose and its got to get in to your system before the side effects go away.Wont be too long .Are you eating and drinking plenty ?as this will help. Sue:hugs:

Marc EH
13-04-09, 18:33
I'll drink more water as I never drink enough. I'll stick with it and hopefully it will get better soon!!! :)

13-04-09, 18:42
Definitely drink more water as I found myself urinating like Red Rum when I first started taking citalopram. You need to keep yourself hydrated.

Marc EH
14-04-09, 17:41
Went back to work today and survived!! I'm still feeling the symptoms of light headed and blurred vision but I was sick of sitting around so wanted to go back and I do feel better for it. Looking forward to the symptoms going now and I'll be a very happy chap!

14-04-09, 20:33
Well done for going back to work Marc.Hopefully itll give you something to focus on instead of your symptoms.Hope you feel better soon ,Sue

14-04-09, 20:50
Well done Marc! That is good news. Hopefully you will go from strenth to strenth and will soon be back to feeling a lot better. :)

Marc EH
15-04-09, 18:33
Thanks :) It's a real up and down time as I'm feeling quite good and then I feel light headed and my eyes play up and then I feel down again. Work is good though and I'm glad to be back.