View Full Version : taking new medication

10-04-09, 10:34
sorry if they is already another thread like this, but does anyone get anxious when they have to take new tablets prescribed by the doctor? I do & wondered if this was just me or not! I posted a thread other day about me weeing lots lately, anyway I went to the docs & I have a water infection & I have started taking new tabs today but feel like I am waiting to be poorly with them.


10-04-09, 13:06
Hiya Cheeky!
Too right we get anxious when starting on new meds, both my partner and i are been treated for anxiety and everytime we start new meds it makes our anxiety worse for a few days. And of course theres the side affects which can also increase our levels of anxiety. I would say that this is quite common!

10-04-09, 16:57
i get VERY anxious!!
on a number of occasions i actually haven't taken them!! (not good)
I have actually been given trazodone today to start taking for my anxiety, but now i have read the info leaflet and really freaked myself out :-( ino i need to take them tho..