View Full Version : Awful side effects

10-04-09, 10:50
Hiya folks, im Louise and im new today. Im on 60mg of citalopram due to anxity and a feeling of fear. I started on 10mg 6months ago and gradually got up to 60mg. Ive had these really awfull side effects, i have really stessfull vivid dreams everynight. Dreams like my boyfriend cheating on me, being homeless when its dark and raining outside, and their reccuring everynight, and as strange as this sounds i always dream of trying to get on a bus home but i always get on the wrong bus or never have enough money to get on. This might not sound scary to anyone else but i always get a strong feeling of stress and failure in these dreams.

Am i the only one that suffers from this problem?

10-04-09, 11:14
Hi bunnybooh, love the user name :D

We've all struggled with side effects so don't feel like you are on your own! Vivid dreams and unpleasant dreams are common. Dreams are your brain's way of sorting its problems out and you may simply be confronting hidden fears.

Do not be afraid to dream. You won't always have bad dreams, all it takes is a few calm nights's sleep and then you won't get so worked up at night time. Your dreams cannot hurt you. The feelings of stress and failure they provoke are false. You are not a failure at all.

10-04-09, 16:42
these pills give me well wierd dreams too. But they only dreams dont attach danger to them hun . Are you feeling any better on then thats a mighty dose. xxxxxxxxxx

12-04-09, 18:02
Hi bunny

I personally havent had any bad dreams on cit, in fact i sleep better than ever. Thats a mighty high dose though!?

Just wanted to agree with psycho, dreams are your own way of trying to solve problems facing you in the day, they can mean an awful lot apart from general insecurities.

The trying to get home but never being able to get on the bus is classic....if you see home as a 'safe', 'comfortable' place then for some reason you are struggling to feel safe at the moment and although you keep trying to get on the bus (meaning you are on the right track and almost there and WANT to get there) There is something stopping you. This could be down to you, maybe you feel 'something' or 'someone' is stopping you or maybe you feel your anx is so bad you will never get there but you can't quite put your finger on it. Maybe there is something else in the way, such as money worries (not having enough to pay, or that you feel worthless!?) which are contributing to your anxieties.

Whatever it is hun, its healthy to dream and nightmares happen because you have a genuine fear which your mind is trying to face, to help you to solve it....run with the dream, try not to be afraid and you may just reach your destination.

If you get really good at it, you can even decide what to dream before you go to sleep AND to amend outcomes, its amazing really!:yesyes:

Hope so hun
