View Full Version : lump in my neck :(

10-04-09, 12:52
Hi everyone,

not been too bad lately, felt ok, had odd couple of episodes of anxiety, but yesterday on getting home from work i discovered a lump in the side of my neck, more towards the back and about half way down, it moves around when touched, its quite hard, not in any way shape or form is it painful, approx pea sized i'd say,prob a little bigger.

I am well and truely s*****g myself, especially as no doctor is open till tuesday and A+E don't want to know (i'd called them for advice).
My sister presently has 3 lumps in her neck which are growing, she has had scans and is due for a bioposy soon, hers are at the front of her neck.

Just had to vent my feelings and has anyone else been through the same thing?????

Cassi xxxxxxx

10-04-09, 12:54
Not sure what advice to give you but is they an out of hrs doctor you can go see? they are usually open on a weekend so at bank holiday I think they will be open too. Or give NHS direct a call & they will be able to advise you on what to do.

Let us know how you get on. xxx

10-04-09, 13:01
i have a lump just like that on my neck its hard size of a pea and it moves its not painful had it about 6 months and the doctor told me its nothing at all to worry about hope this helps you feel abit better

10-04-09, 13:01
hiya, thankyou for your reply, yeh i tried the out of hours service too and they said definately get it checked out by GP when they open again, possibly could just be a gland, but get it checked out...but they wont do it.

I hate having to wait with something so scary until tuesday lol, im trying not to think about it but finding it hard!

Thanks again xxxxx

10-04-09, 13:03
thankyou gemma, that is quite reassuring, will just have to wait and see what my GP thinks, i dont even know how long its been there as i wouldnt have noticed had i not been rubbing my neck at end of long day lol.

Think its odd that my sis has them too, we have no family history of cancer.

thanks again

10-04-09, 13:10
yeah go to the doctors as soon as you can. i'm sure everything will be ok just trynot to painic too much:D

11-04-09, 17:40
hi if its any consolation ive had a lump on my neck for about 8 years now numerous checkes and its a cyst it gets bigger more stressed i get weirdly enough, always best to get checked though does it move??

11-04-09, 18:20
I have one too had it for as long as I can remember!

It could also be your glands but is not life threatening trust me

11-04-09, 18:33
Hi all, thanks for your replies,

i am, however, presently, trying my hardest not to lose it!!!!! I have today discovered approx 2 more lumos, theres altogether 3/4 on the right side and i can feel one smallish one on the left in same place.

I have been looking at pictures and i think they are my lymph nodes, but, if they are, then they are very swollen. I had a cold approx 3 weeks ago, no sign of infection since, have just sterted my period, does anyone know if that has anything to do with it/hormones etc....

should have aptm at my gps on fri, hi amandaj, yes the lumps move around inside.

cassi xxxxx

11-04-09, 19:22
if they move its a good sign it could ad nicola said just be glands try not to worry to much i know its easier said than done though

12-04-09, 08:49
stress brings my dad out in lumps in his neck that stay for a long time.

13-04-09, 23:04

I just want to add a couple points:

if the lump moves around, it's a good sign. Cancerous lumps will not move under the skin. My doctor told me this when I went in for a swollen gland on my leg that could be moved under the surface. She said to ignore it, it was nothing.

My husband, my brother, and my best friend all have lumps that turned out to be nothing. My brother and my friend's were "lipomas" which are basically harmless fatty growths under the skin. My husband's actually is very hard and fixed. It's on his head. The doctor told him it is a calcium deposit. He also has a lipoma on his side.

Try not to worry--most lumps are nothing, as scary as they seem.