View Full Version : Waves of Panic / Panic Attacks

10-04-09, 13:03
Just wondering how times of the day might affect others.

11-04-09, 00:03
Depends how bad i'm feeling- if i'm really bad i tend to be panicky all the way through the day and sleep fine at night but then the minute i get up i feel
bad again. If i'm feeling ok then it's just pretty random. Only exception was when i first started getting them- i didn't sleep at all: PA all way through day and night. I guess it's different for everyone.

11-04-09, 10:01
You haven't included at night..
I find my bad panic attacks occur when I wake up from sleeping in the middle of the night.

11-04-09, 15:55
Most of my panic attacks occur mid-morning … it seems to be the time when I start to stress about what’s happening during my day & the progresses to panic about all the things I have to do for the rest of the day. This inevitably makes me feel like I haven’t achieved enough so far; consequently, I won’t be able to accomplish much for the rest of the day – it’s an insane cycle!

11-04-09, 16:02
hello guys my panick attacks is when i hear about my ex or if something i do reminds me of him. i have ended up in hopsital twice cause of this as i thought i was going to die !!!! then the second time i had really bad chest pains which was frighting but now am trying to move on and not think about this man anymore or whats hes up!!!! I know how to control it by silly as sounds get a paper bag and take deep breaths after is all over does any one though feel worn out like i do???? :)

11-04-09, 22:29
Mostly at night for me. Thats when my brain has too much time to think while I try to get to sleep. Also you can hear/feel your heartbeat and its harder to distract myself. Though I do have a relaxation CD which I put on my MP3 that really helps.:ohmy:

08-03-10, 13:31
Bel25 im exactly like u,i have panic attacks every day all day :( im finding it really hard to cope with at the moment.The scariest bit for me is the palpations and unable to breathe

08-03-10, 19:05
This is similar to me also. Mine occur at random times, but a high proportion do occur in the morning.

Sometimes, even if I am able to get over the feeling first thing in the morning, I get this background feeling of a panic attack waiting to happen for the rest of the day. Sometimes it goes off, but sometimes I have other attacks. I often just have to write the day off, and then go to bed and hope then the next day will be panic free, which luckily it mostly is.

I also find some places, or events also trigger them. For example, I often find a certain cinema in the City I live a problem, and have twice had to leave the cinema due to an attack.


08-03-10, 19:23
God that is a hard one... sometimes it will be mornings others evenings and sometimes it can actually run into days ..without a break...

08-03-10, 19:53
Only when I think about or have palps...and I cant help thinking about them day and night

09-03-10, 02:56
New here and I wanted to add that my most debilitating ones wake me up in the middle of the night. The attack can lack for hours. Occasionally a bad one will continue on into the morning but not always.

11-03-10, 19:12

hi hun i get them everyday to i know what your going through, i cant satnd when having mine i have to go in the garden and sit sown i get hot fellings and cold feelings, funny feelings in chest back ams you name it i get it and bam the racing heart starts, shakes weak legs, hun your not alone tust me if you rt that worried please email me at
hawke414@yahoo.co.uk would be nice to hear from you and we can share what we both go through hope to hear from you soon all the best Ian

11-03-10, 19:15
Bel25 im exactly like u,i have panic attacks every day all day :( im finding it really hard to cope with at the moment.The scariest bit for me is the palpations and unable to breathe
hi hun i get them everyday to i know what your going through, i cant satnd when having mine i have to go in the garden and sit sown i get hot fellings and cold feelings, funny feelings in chest back ams you name it i get it and bam the racing heart starts, shakes weak legs, hun your not alone tust me if you rt that worried please email me at
hawke414@yahoo.co.uk would be nice to hear from you and we can share what we both go through hope to hear from you soon all the best Ian

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