View Full Version : Women only please

10-04-09, 16:04
I have some worries about my discharge...it seems to be present everyday and when I wipe myself after going for a wee, its there, but its clear and not yellow or anything

Is this normal?

10-04-09, 16:09
Sounds extremely normal!!!

Anything clear is okay as far as I have read. DEFINATELY NOT HIV!!!!!!


10-04-09, 16:10
I am sure this is normal, but i think you should just mention it to your dr, it could be something like thrush which is easily treated. Try not to worry.
jan xxx

10-04-09, 16:11
Very normal. It also gets heavier during ovulation.

10-04-09, 16:22
I am sure this is normal, but i think you should just mention it to your dr, it could be something like thrush which is easily treated. Try not to worry.
jan xxx

Thats what I was worried about (thrush) because of its connections to HIV or so I read

10-04-09, 16:29
It doesn't sound like thrush, that discharge is usually thick and has a specific odor. Clear discharge is normal! One of my closest friends had unprotected sex with someone who's lifestyle was very high risk. She was terrified that she had HIV.

She's been tested twice since then and still no HIV :)

10-04-09, 16:45
It doesn't sound like thrush, that discharge is usually thick and has a specific odor. Clear discharge is normal! One of my closest friends had unprotected sex with someone who's lifestyle was very high risk. She was terrified that she had HIV.

She's been tested twice since then and still no HIV :)

Aw thanks, that made me feel abit better.

I do get slightly itchy down there occasionaly but I told my mum the symptoms and she said it doesnt sound like thrush because shes had it a few times...

10-04-09, 16:55
I have discharge all month when I wipe - it gets heavier around ov time.

It varies between clear and yellowish.

10-04-09, 16:57
Glad you feel a bit better. I know once we get stuck on something its hard to let it go (I swear I understand).

But again, what you describe sounds absolutely normal. If your discharge becomes thick or cottage cheese like (yuck I know) and has a strong smell, you more likely have a yeast infection which is VERY common and VERY easy to treat. Some women get them for no good reason, when I was younger I would get one after a strong course of antibiotics. 3 day treatment and then gone!

I certainly hope the boys aren't roaming this particular thread! The woes of being a woman are being very honestly talked about!

You'll be fine though!! :D


10-04-09, 17:07
I have discharge all month when I wipe - it gets heavier around ov time.

It varies between clear and yellowish.

Thank you :yesyes:

10-04-09, 17:17
I asked my Dr and he said it is all down to hormones.

Just get it checked out if you aren't sure

10-04-09, 18:51
I will do.

Not sure if I should go my doc, been abit too much lately :blush:

Do you reckon it could be to do with HIV?
Aahhh! sorry I'm going mad. No amount of reassurance helps me!!!

I am trying though, thank you for your replies x

I asked my Dr and he said it is all down to hormones.

Just get it checked out if you aren't sure

10-04-09, 18:56
Do you reckon it could be to do with HIV?

No :D

Definately not

10-04-09, 18:57
Sorry I 4got to add these - :hugs::hugs:

I know how you feel with regards to HIV anxiety.

For the moment I have mine tucked away cos I am worrying about my smear.

If that comes back OK I am sure my HIV concerns will creep back LOL

10-04-09, 21:41
Aww I'm sure your smear test will turn out okay!

I hope my HIV anxiety leaves soon :sad:
its getting me down big time

Sorry I 4got to add these - :hugs::hugs:

I know how you feel with regards to HIV anxiety.

For the moment I have mine tucked away cos I am worrying about my smear.

If that comes back OK I am sure my HIV concerns will creep back LOL

10-04-09, 21:54
I know how you feel hun, my HIV anxiety is hovering in the wings waiting to pounce.

I have had it on and off since I was 14/15 and now I am 31. I have had 3 tests all negative, but after each one I find another reason for me to have contracted it.

Its not that I don't believe the tests - I do. I am just convinced I caught it again.


If u ever wanna pm me to talk pls do (although I am going to bed now - I have a another headache) :)

10-04-09, 22:36
Can I ask why having HIV is so bad if you did have it?

What is the big deal with it?

What would happen?

11-04-09, 01:25
Discharge is normal. I have it every day. It is only a problem if it is foul smelling or an alarming colour... thrush resembles the look of cottage cheese. I do not think you need to concern yourself with either thrush or hiv lass... youve had three tests to show its not hiv. If you occasionally itch, it may be when you dont wear cotton underwear... I have to wear cotton underwear all the time. Your smear test will come back fine im sure. If you are still concerned about the thrush thing, buy yourself some live culture natural sugar free yoghurt and eat as much as you can. It thrives on yeast and so is a good preventative measure and treatment for thrush and candida x

11-04-09, 08:54
I don't want to completely hijack girlAfraids thread, I don't really know what my fear of HIV is. I know a lot about it and that it can be very well managed now. I think my fear is more of how it used to be back in the late eighties early 90's when my fears of it didn't actually start but my awareness of it had.

I don't think they had the meds then that they do now and it was much more of a death sentence. I think my fear of it related to that and linked in with my OCD and its also become an obsession!!

Also those ads they had for it really freaked me out as a kid!

My fear of it are better managed than they used to be years ago - then they were completely irrational!

Thanks for the tip about the yogurt xfilme.

I'd better go away now cos I have really accidentally taken over GirlAfraid s thread - I am really sorry :blush::blush: but I think all the replies will be helpful to you too :blush::blush:

11-04-09, 11:19
haha.... sorry that was my fault for not scrolling up and double checking who started the thread. My bad x

11-04-09, 11:32
LOL you don't need to apologise - you have given me some great advice and I bet it will be useful to Girlafraid - its me taking over everything - super enthusistic as normal :roflmao:

11-04-09, 15:33
Because of the stigma to be honest.

I am very scared about how people would see me and treat me.
I also think it would be hard to have relationships etc.
I have also read its hard to get a mortage and travel to america if you do have it!

I also just really really dont want it!

Can I ask why having HIV is so bad if you did have it?

What is the big deal with it?

What would happen?

11-04-09, 15:35
I know how you feel hun, my HIV anxiety is hovering in the wings waiting to pounce.

I have had it on and off since I was 14/15 and now I am 31. I have had 3 tests all negative, but after each one I find another reason for me to have contracted it.

Its not that I don't believe the tests - I do. I am just convinced I caught it again.


If u ever wanna pm me to talk pls do (although I am going to bed now - I have a another headache) :)

Thank you :)
I will do and same to you if you want to PM me

I hope I dont have it that long...I'm only 19 now :sad:

12-04-09, 00:50
in that case sahara, one step better than eating yoghurt is taking acidophilus capsules from your local health shop. that is the isolated good bacteria to stop candida x

12-04-09, 00:59
Same here. Some discharge seems normal, if a nuisance. I also get external itchinmg. I use Vagasil cream to calm it. This can be bought over the counter at a chemist. Doc said it is stress related, not thrush as my discharge is clear.