View Full Version : all my symptoms...

10-04-09, 17:11
feeling as if i cant breath (cant fullyfill my lungs, always concentrating on how im breathing)
back pain in middle back
pain over right rib around liver???
no energy
ectopic heartbeats
feeling as though im going to have a heart attck and die
feeling anxious if ieat something fatty

Im still not 100% that this is all down toanxiety, does anyone else have the same? has anyone got overit especially the breathing thing if so how
how can things like back pain be anxiety??? so scared!!!!!!!!

10-04-09, 17:58
Nope....This is normal for me also!!! Life with anxiety...I can never seem to get enough breathe (if you know what I mean)!!


10-04-09, 18:49
Its funny you say that about anxiety and fatty foods.. I love chips from the chippy (once a week), but Ive noticed now that I get weird missed heart beats when I eat chips from there now.. it doesnt happen with oven chips though!! - now I sound nuts! lol

10-04-09, 19:06
nikkinik i totally understand, maybe its because i think this is not good for me soit sets my heart off, im so not sure anymore :'(

10-04-09, 19:24
Liz I remember a friend on another forum saying she got heart palps after eating her fave food.. at the time I had no idea what she meant! But sure enough Ive now developed this one!!

I eat choc, crisps etc, and I know these are bad for me also, so in theory I should get the palps then.. so I think for me thats not a reason. I just have no idea! I think I got it the once - remembered what that lady said, perhaps a bit of fear set in over it happening again.. then it happened again and Im now in a cycle!

I should probably avoid them anyway as it always seems to make my tummy problems worse, esp the following day.. slowly all my pleasures seem to be getting taken away!
(.. I can no longer tolerate milk or cheese etc without getting diareah, cramps and sometimes am sick with it.. I miss cheese and pizzas etc!)

Rubbish :(

10-04-09, 19:31

I do not know why but I am more liklley to either have or notice my ectopic beats if i have eaten a lot of food.

Many people report this, I am not sure why that is.

However, in teh context of a structurally healthy heart or for people who have never had a heart attack, ectopic beats are benign and they are nothing to worry about.

I once had one very couple of minutes for 10 days more or less and had all sorts of tests and my dr said, i will just have to live with them as tehre is nothing wrong with me. Eventually they subsided and now i get one once a day or so.

MIne have been caught in an ECG and they are atrial.


10-04-09, 20:29
hi there thought id just mention about the back pain this is the one that really boggles me as well. my anxiety and depression started with a pain in my back which i still have even being on meds for 10 weeks but docs and my pyshc still recon its all to do with the anxiety and depression i also get all other sorts of aches and pains which really get me down, they say as i get better these pains will subside. aches and pains are generally related to our condition. so i have put my trust in them and am just waiting for them to go away. i know its really hard to comprehend that these physical symtoms are to do with these conditions but we are not the only people who feel them so maybe be we just have to deal with them.
hope i helped a little

12-04-09, 16:44
thanks everyone!!! xxx