View Full Version : That made me think !!

10-04-09, 17:14
Hi again, posted a couple of times, firstly Heart issues, or so I thought and more recently IBS or so I hope, still got that, pain in left side, burping gurgling tummy, yet no Diorreah and no constipation and no rushing to the loo, feels like I have been drinking the night before, which I havent, so please feel free to re assure me, PLease. But the main reason I decided to post this time was a thought / memory I just had. A while ago I thought I would re insure myself, for the family. As you all know feeling like you arent going to be here is painful so I thought I would get better insurance. To the point, the guy asked me, I am 51 male by the way, what is the most serious illness I have ever had, he was obviousley assesing my risk etc, you know what, I couldnt say a thing, measels, mumps, sorte back from time to time, I wracked my mind, "" eerr Nothjing" was my reply. I could hardly beleive whjat I was saying, Me the one who has seen the inside of a Doctors waiting room more times than I can count, Me sent to ease my mind to the Hospital for tests on numerous occasions, Me the one who lays sometimes too frightened to rise, too scared to go for a walk in case I have a heart attack, me who has had 'Cancer of the Lungs, stomach and now ( trying to see it as IBS) Bowel Cancer, me who has had heart attacks, heart failure, Testicle cancer, you name it, Me!! I had to tell the truth, "" eerrr Nothing".
I wanted to share this with you all, how many of you would also have to answer 2 nothing really", especially if they dont ask what do you THINK you have. Cheered me up no end. Sad in some ways that I have and still do waiste so much time worrying, but hey at least I could say, and I hope can continue to say 'Nothing'.

Sammy J
10-04-09, 23:51
Here here!

Thanks for posting that...it certainly makes you think doesn't it? :)