View Full Version : Weird dizziness for no reason!?

10-04-09, 19:15
I'll try and describe this as best as I can!

I get this strange dizziness.. like when in films or Tv they do dramatic shots, like the camera is on a trolley - the trolley moves backwards but the camera zooms in at the same time!?!? I get that!

I dont think its depersonalisation (sp) as Ive had that once or twice before.. its just a really really weird and scary dizziness in my head! (I get the dizziness when I stand sometimes, but thats more body dizziness, like being on a rocking boat.. where as this one is all head related iykwim!?)

I cant say Im anxious at the time either, its usually when Im sitting watching tv and am relaxed!

Anyone else get that?