View Full Version : I am not new here but sort of feel like I am...

10-04-09, 19:29

I came to this forum, about 2 1/2 years ago I think, when I was really quite unwell with increasing anxiety and associated depression problems. The site helped me hugely and I made some good friends.
My mental health took a bit of a battering as I was really quite unwell at times. I was diagnosed with a mental health prob that explained a lot, but not all of my anxiety.
My anxiety got better, or it came and went with my depression. I hung around for a while but to be honest, I was worried that sometimes I was a bit too wacky in the things I posted. I was battling for mental stability. I still am battling for that elusive stability but I am assured it will come!

I did get my anxiety largely under control in terms of things like I could not do as much as I did maybe 3+ years ago but I was doing a heck of a lot more than I hadn't been able to. You know...shopping, socialising, school etc?

Recently, in the last few months, my anxiety problems have started to grow again. I think to be honest, it was last summer. Then what I did was reduce, reduce, reduce, my life to a very comfortable, small, cocoon.
I have all but lost my job (not worked since july), I don't socialise, I rarely shop, I am having massive problems with the school run/meetings and I have recently dropped the last of my social interaction, art and computer groups run by my local mental health resource and bus journeys.

So....I find myself looking for support and feeling guilty as I have 2 300+ posts to my name (yeah...I could gas a bit when I used here a lot!) and I feel I should be 'better' (I know it is nowhere nearly as easy as this though)

Thats about it really! I am not a newbie but I feel like one. I kinda wanted to come back as some one else but didn't know if that was allowed!

I'd like to hang around a bit again. Giving/receiving support if thats ok (If you want me:unsure: )


10-04-09, 19:36

We would be glad to have you hang around ok?

It doesn't matter how many posts you have done or how often you come on etc, you are always welcome back at any time. :hugs:

10-04-09, 19:56
Happyone please dont feel that you cant come back or that you wont be welcome here. I am relatively new too and I think that I have only ever repilied to one of your posts about being bi-polar. I have had to re-learn lessons over and over again. I expect like you that I have become well and then fallen ill again. It is nobody fault. You should not feel embarassed inspite of having over two thousand posts .If you need the care and support that NMP gives then that is ok by me and I'm sure by most of the people on here. I'm sure that there is a part of your illness where you wont be able to help becoming ill again but there is plenty of help here so that you can begin to tackle your panic and isolation so that you are able to do some of the day to day things that you want to do again. There will be times as well when you be ill with bi-polar then it is for the doctors to decide the course of your illness. I know that there is a part in this where you feel that you dont belong or have no right to belong here. Your place here is assured for a long time to come.

10-04-09, 20:00
i had really bad anxiety about 5 years ago,but didnt know about these kind of websites. now my anxiety is back and worse than before im glad i found this one.i hope that if i find myself in the same situation again that i'l come back here.
doesnt matter how many posts we have.we all need support from time to time.
i also hate doing the school runs and shopping and most other things but i just gotta keep on trying.im sure you'l feel better again soon.xxx:bighug1:

10-04-09, 21:06
Welcome back :welcome:

I've been here for quite a while too :blush:!


10-04-09, 21:15
Hi HappyOne! :)
Welcome back to NMP! :welcome:

10-04-09, 21:15
Hi Happy and a welcome back from me too hun !:hugs:

As you can see im still around too:) !


10-04-09, 21:20
Hi and thanks Nicola:)

I didn't realise until recently that anxiety can be part of my mental health problem and the cyclical way in which it affects me, so I may be prone to getting ill at times again. This however, gives me hope as it makes me see that soon I may cycle out of it again!

Elizabeth Jane, I too am finding myself re learning old skills. I thought I had it but anxiety management skills I have found really are a life long skill that sometimes need practise and tuning.

Eeyore, sorry your anxiety is high at the moment too. You are right in that you need to keep plodding on.

Kate, nice to know someone can gas as much as me:winks:


10-04-09, 21:21

welcome back and post all you like hun we'll help you all we can

di xx

10-04-09, 21:22
Hi too to Poppy. Beautiful name:)

Andrea, always nice to see a familiar name hun:hugs:


11-04-09, 02:02
Hi Happyone, :hugs:

:welcome: back to NMP.

Best wishes xx :flowers:

11-04-09, 15:27
:bighug1: HappyOne,

I wouldn't be a part of this forum if not for my anxiety, it can take over your life. You know the many ways you can contact me if you need too.



12-04-09, 17:23
Thanks Laura:hugs: ,

yeah, it is blooming consuming at times eh?


12-04-09, 23:30
and I feel I should be 'better'

Hello Pegasus,

I think we can knock the old 'should be better' off the table hun, we both know it's more about managing and living alongside our issues isn't it. I think what you and I both regard as being better is probably being able to do the things we once could and do them without the anxiety. I think this will come love!

I too have been on the site a good long time and although I'm not on here to the degree I once was I do still like to dip in and out as I choose.

I also have to say however up and down you've felt you still always wipe the floor with me at scrabble lol! :shades: :D

Love Piglet :flowers:

20-04-09, 20:53
Sorry Piglet, didn't notice this til now:hugs:

Yeah, I know you are right....as always :D (happyone passes wise woman head dressing to Piglet to wear) The bummer of it all....this should business is part of it all isn't it?

Scrabble....my sanctuary!


22-04-09, 02:06
Hello Happyone , Welcome back to NMP , Best wishes Dusky x:welcome: