View Full Version : Dr freaked me out today

10-04-09, 20:29
I am due to go to Ent surgeon week on monday because about 2 months ago i developed a hissing sound in time with my pulse in left ear. My Gp wasn't too bothered but as I knew about the serious but rare causes of it she agreed to refer me.

For past 15 yrs on and off I have had weird symptoms- sensations affecting my face/scalp and ear mainly left sided - I can get heavy crawling sensation up left temple and over eyebrow:wacko: - intense tingling and pressure in scalp over head and a feeling as if my hair is moving all by itself - plus earache without any infection and terrible itching etc etc. As I have neck trouble in a herniated disc and arthritis always told it was probably connected.

anyway about 4 weeks after the pulse in ear started I started to get sudden severe feelings of pressure for a few seconds right in middle of face to the left of my nose if you kinow what I mean and the heavy prodding crawling sensation up temple and over eyebrow. My neck is aching horribly as well.

Yesterday I got in a right panic thinking that this pressure was a sinus infection and today saw an out of hours GP who said this isn't a sinus infection ( I explained all above) and he said it sounds like its a type of neuralgia affecting your face and scalp but thankfully not with the excruitiating pain that other people can get with neurlagia. He said to make sure I told ent surgeon about it as it could be connected to my pulse in ear.
He said ent surgeon would be looking to rule out an accoustic neuroma and also an enlarged ( aneurysm) blood vessel that I could both hear and was pressing on the trigeminal nerve:weep: . When I pointed out I had had a brain mri less than a year ago that was okay he changed his tune and said that these things were unlikely then. He did NOT know I have health anxiety!

Now I am desperate to get to ENT surgeon - worrying that he won't send me for a scan to rule out above - the Dr said they would def scan me - and worrying that the enlarged blood vessel I might have:huh: will burst before I get to ent surgeon.


10-04-09, 22:24
Sounds like you are going through quite the anxiety right now. If you had an MRI less than a year ago i wouldnt worry too much. the risk factors for developing an anyeurism are diabetes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetes), obesity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesity), hypertension (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertension), tobacco use (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco_use), alcoholism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcoholism), and copper deficiency (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper_deficiency) . You are more than likely creating symptoms through anxiety and interpretations of minor problems. I would avoid having an chiropracter work on yor neck though.. this alone can cause an anyeurism.. When you see your ENT tell him you want a Ct scan. that should do it!

10-04-09, 22:41
Good advice about chiropractic work as I had many years of osteopathic manipulation before I knew what was wrong with my neck and after finding out the neurosurgeon I saw said I could have been paralysed and never to have any manipulation of neck so won't let anyone near it!

11-04-09, 01:01
omg ive got a headache down my left side of my face and it hurts in the temple and my neck aches a bit! Ive also had a tiny bit of pressure near my nose! Ahh this post has really freaked me out!