View Full Version : Agoraphobia Recovery CD

12-08-05, 19:28
Hi Everyone,
Has anyone out there had the cd/tape Agoraphobia Recovery? I am struggling with the part where your finger has to move for 'yes' or 'no'. Should this just happen or am I not relaxed enough? The CD is very calming, an I am able to visualise the word 'CALM' very well.
Any feedback would be much appreciated.

Thanks Jenny xx

J. Farmer

12-08-05, 19:32
I haven't heard it Jenny but my hypnotherapist used to do the moving finger thing with me in the sessions. I never felt my finger moving but she said it did and it answered questions for her that I didn't need to.

The thing is that I had my eyes closed so never knew that it was moving. In fact she could move my whole arm up and I didn't feel it till she asked me to open my eyes to see it - so it does work!


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

12-08-05, 19:37
hi jenny i have that cd, but i think i used to move my finger myself. I found that one a bit strange realy and stpped using that one

13-08-05, 10:36
Thanks for your feedback. I will use it for a little longer and see how I go with it.

Jenny xx

J. Farmer

13-08-05, 12:55
Hi Jen

You didnt mention that tape whats it called and where did you get it.
Hope you ok, talk soon

Luv Barb xxxxxx