View Full Version : Weird symptoms - Please help!!

10-04-09, 21:03
hi all,

Im worried!!! over the past few weeks ive had the following symptoms:

Aching jaw and sensitive teeth
joint aches including left shoulder and both thumbs
stye on my left eye
severe ache in my left testicle when lying down
Feeling low
lowered interest in anything including sex

I also had a bad sinus infection 2 months ago but my glands in my neck have been swollen since; they haven't gone down

Can anyone help me???


10-04-09, 21:22
Hi Carl :)
Have you visited your gp? If you still have swollen glands after 2 months I would make an appt to see him. Your gp would be the best person to seek advice from. Maybe you have a virus that is lingering?
Hope you are feeling better soon. :yesyes:

10-04-09, 21:41
Hi I've had swollen glands for months to, I had anti biotics but they still swollen and worse not hurting though. So I'm making a appointment next week if u haven't gone yourself by then ill tell u what they said