View Full Version : tight heavy feeling in chest and sternum?

10-04-09, 21:20
hey all
havent been on here in a good while,but last few days had chest pains as usuasl .hate them feels heavy ,then it stabbs me and i even get stabbin pains frm my collarbone down and under arm pit.i got chest pains wen my anx first started and had a n ecg and docs said it was normal but i still worry, the doctors said i have costochondritis which was inflammed cartilage in the strenum and chest walls but that was bk in june its been ages ive had this and im jus worryin iam on prozac and was doin so well,bit it feels like im havin a meltdown and i need sum reasureance that its jus from the anx or costo?! also the pains and heavyness also appears under my boobs and in my back coukld this b frm indegestion? as wen i drank fizzy popo earlier it got worse like i neeeded to burp ,sorry to go on thanks for reading
love to u all
best wishes C.xxxx

11-04-09, 20:57
no replies ,no one has chest pains?

12-04-09, 08:48
I have the same problems its because your tensing up.

peppa pig
24-04-09, 10:48
hi there , just new to this and found your posting , i too have been suffering with chest pains for few weeks ,also had numb left arm for months before the chest pains but convince myself that its linked now , think this is what is causing most of my anxiety , i also work at the emergency out of hours drs and we have protocols that if a patient rings complaining of chest pain we have to ring 999 so this doesn't help me one bit !!! seen my dr loads lately because of it had 3x ecg in last 3 weeks and chest x-ray all normal so why do i still feel so anxious about it ,
dr in a&e told me it was due to anxiety or just muscular , so i should be able to stop worrying now ??