View Full Version : Acne

10-04-09, 22:01
Does anyone suffer from bad skin especially acne due to stress and anxiety?

I know that mine flares up in times of extreme anxiety

I was particularly okay the summer just gone...everything seemed to be going ok for me FOR ONCE and my skin was virtually clear!

Just wondering if anyone else has this

11-04-09, 03:17
Hi there
Yes darling, i have suffered with acne and really oily skin for years, however in the last 18 months it worsened and the boils were awful!!!! I even have been admitted to hospital 3 times cos they turned into celulitus ( a dangerous condition) which meant IV drip and brain scan etc.
Anyway, i do believe its stems from years of panic, i suffer with health anxiety. Finally, i said enough is enough and went to see a derm, she has put me on Roaccutane, and WOW its worked wonderfully!!!! Im 6 weeks into a 16 week course, my skin looks amazing, but to be honest its making my panic attacks a bit worse. Im going to tell the derm when igoon friday,hopefully she will know what to do.
Anyway, I do agree with you about the link with acne and anxietyand maybe you can consider seeing a derm too.

good luck
luv Tracie xxx