View Full Version : Heart Palpations?

11-04-09, 02:34
Greetings good friends from aroudn the world. It's been a while, and i'm pretty happy to say that a two week vacation away from google and laptop (unless work def. had to get done) I was starting to feel better.. until today.

I have been diagnosed with horrible reactions to seasonal allergies.. but today was really strange.. I haven't had symptoms for three days straight and than they started back up again.

Today it was like my right side of my face went numb but i could still feel pain, and my eye lids got really red.. and my ears.. oh lord they kept popping, and i got so worried again that i felt like i couldn't breath, or none the less swallow...ugh it feels like my head was gonna explode at one point.

And for the past two days, i could feel my heart flutter i guess you can say.. it's like it'll be normally and than i'd feel this like thumbing but i would be laying down, doing nothing unless i think about it..

Anybody got any words of encouragment?

11-04-09, 03:50
Hi,I can relate to your heart palps,I have had this symptom for a while and last week I had a 24 hr monitor tape strapped to me to record my heart's activity over 1 day to see if everything is ok,the doctor does not think they will find anything but sent me because I asked for one.
I have always been an anxious person and for the last year I would say I have been really worried about this area of symptoms but in my heart of hearts I guess it is the anxiety.If you feel as though they are troublesome and you are worried pop along to see the doc and discuss it as it will put your mind at rest but any adrenalin rush or caffiene intake can cause a jumping heartbeat,I have cut caffiene out completely(no carbonated drinks and caffiene free tea)hope you soon get answers.

11-04-09, 11:07
Greetings good friends from aroudn the world. It's been a while, and i'm pretty happy to say that a two week vacation away from google and laptop (unless work def. had to get done) I was starting to feel better.. until today.

I have been diagnosed with horrible reactions to seasonal allergies.. but today was really strange.. I haven't had symptoms for three days straight and than they started back up again.

Today it was like my right side of my face went numb but i could still feel pain, and my eye lids got really red.. and my ears.. oh lord they kept popping, and i got so worried again that i felt like i couldn't breath, or none the less swallow...ugh it feels like my head was gonna explode at one point.

And for the past two days, i could feel my heart flutter i guess you can say.. it's like it'll be normally and than i'd feel this like thumbing but i would be laying down, doing nothing unless i think about it..

Anybody got any words of encouragment?

Hi, I have had missed heart beats, thumping, heart beats in my ears/head and fast slow heart beats for over 20 years, it comes and it goes. I want to try and find a reason but it keeps coming up, stress/worry/work etc etc , basically life. It has not killed me or hurt me in over 20 years, it comes and it goes almost as if it has a mind of its own, but I am still here. The good times when I get them, are lasting longer which is great but it makes the 'bad' times somehow harder to deal with as I think it has gone and forget all my techniques and logic and swap it all for worry and panic, and the 'feelings' say Thanks as I feed them . At the moment I have - I hope, still not brave enough to sat definatley - IBS, Of course in my little worry mode it isnt IBS but something more serious, I rememebr 23 years ago starting on this path of stress panic attacks etc etc etc and guess what my first illness was ? Yep Bowel Cancer, same feelings as I have now, took months to convince me it was nothing, finally had the camera up the you know where and skipped out of the Hospital after being told " all clear". Seems strange how symptoms, or feelings really come and go, but looking at what you have typed, NOT a doctor I would say it is the little fellow panic / stress / /worry etc etc etc playing games, I am a fine one to talk but try not to feed it, it will starve and go away. Take care .

11-04-09, 11:18
I have had palapataions for the last 3 years, I am on antenelol for them which really help. I have also strted taking magnesium for them which do work for me. I am not a GP so not sure if these will work for you. I have had the 24 hour moniter on last year and a heart scan but everything was fine. It was the palapations that started my anxiety off as I thought I had something wrong with me. I have now started not to worry so much about them which is easier said than done but I feel they are just part of anxiety.

Hope this helps
