View Full Version : how the h*** can i get over my fear of sleep?

11-04-09, 05:53

i have been diognosed with ptsd after childhood and adult a***e. also i was involved in a fire which nearly killed me 18 months ago,

i am too scared to go to sleep so i od on caffine to stay awake (hence beig here at 5:30am having been awake all nite again)even trying to get to sleep is impossible for me cause i freak out with images of stuff thats happened to me at night in the last 18 months - the fire happened when i was half asleep and set my hair on fire, drugged up on zopiclone and diazapam and zispin! also was attacked by a neighbour who walked into my flat in the middle of the night, i left the door unlocked cause of fear of fire.

i am now so exhausted but still can't sleep and if i do i wake up ina pool of sweat and terriffied so much i have to si (strangly usually by burning myself at the moment!)



11-04-09, 14:03
Hi Lucy,

So sorry you have had such a difficult time :bighug1:

I have had and still have sleep issues so I understand what you are going through; are you having counselling to try to come to terms with your past?

If not I would suggest that as a first step, CBT is also something you should discuss with your doctor as it could be beneficial.

Our experiences are similar in many ways and you can pm me if you want to.

Take care of yourself


11-04-09, 19:57
i'm doing stepps progrsm for bpd as self harm bt noone seems to want to del with the abuse

11-04-09, 20:34
ahhh hun how old are you, you had such a bad time, if you want to pm me please do x

12-04-09, 14:02
Hi Lucy,

Speak to your doctor again hun; or see if there is somewhere locally that can provide the help you need there may be a waomans centre that could help you. There are always other avenues to explore so don't dispair.

I just feel that you need some help to come to terms with the things that have happened to you that were beyond your control.

Be kind to yourself hun and remember these things were not your fault


12-04-09, 16:02

i'm 26. eevryoen says i have to get better first before dealing with the past but thats no good to me, how can i get people to listen???????????????????????????????????????????? ?

13-04-09, 14:00
Hi Lucy,

Maybe you need to explain to them that you feel that you need to deal with the past in order to get better. Have a look at this website, it might help you explain to them,


Take care hun, keep in touch
