View Full Version : heart pains take my breath away

11-04-09, 10:14
Hiya, I've suffered from an anxiety disorder for about 2 years now, initially I had panic attacks but in the last year I no longer get the mammoth panic attack but do from time to time get some of the symptoms like racing heart/adrenaline rushes, sharp pains in my head and neck, light-headedness etc... but all those are relatively liveable symptoms. I can deal with them when they come and not panic and get through them. The problem I have is occasionally I get a real heart pain that for a couple of seconds makes me feel like my life’s been taken away from me. Then the following couple of seconds I get a rush/warm wave running through my body then the following couple of minutes I feel weak and slightly faint. These episodes happen randomly, there is no phobia, as far as I can see no trigger but it really knocks me for 6 every time and takes about 2 hours to get over the feelings.

I wondered if anyone else lives a normal life then hit by one of these episodes and if it’s something we anxiety sufferers suffer from…? Do let me know if you have similar episodes, I just need to know its one of the symptoms and not something more serious. I have had ecg’s but these things happen when I'm not hooked up to a machine… my doctor is the usual kind of doctor, proscribed a number of medicines but I’ve stopped them all as the problems I have still continue while taking them, so why bother…

I have just started another program I found on the internet that promises to stop my problems altogether, so hopefully this one will work this time…

If you have similar experiences to me, let me know, I know the headaches/weakness/adrenaline rushes are part of my illness but this other one, well I’m not too sure…

Thanks in advance for any advice
