View Full Version : scared and new

11-04-09, 11:37
Hi I have just joined and don't know if I should have done or not. I have been suffeing from health anxiety for 20 years and it as completely taken over my life. I'm not sure if I think this will really help me or it is a sneaky way of me geting more reassurnce?

For the last 4 weeks I have been having awful headaches. They are in my neck and above my left eye. What is reall y scary though is that they are accompanied by really sharp pains actually in my left eye.It feels like a blunt needle. They are not there all the time but when I look up my eye feels like he uscles are on elastic bands.

I have seen an optician who says my eyes are in perfect shape. My GP has given me tablets for vasculr migraine type headaches but they have not worked and everything I have read about cluster headaches suggests they are unbearable. These are not unbearable all the time.they are just painful and wearing.

I think I have a brain tumour. Please help. Has anyone else ever experienced this. I feel like I'm going mad

11-04-09, 11:52
if the optician says your eyes are fine, then they are. also believe it or not they can also see tumours etc in your eye test so you dont have that either. You do have anxiety though and that can give you most terrible symptoms. Believe me, ive had everything going in the last 20yrs but like you, im still here !!

11-04-09, 13:06
My friend has horrendous headaches for years now (migraines) and she doesn't have a brain tumour. I have a brain tumour and as yet not had any headache.

Please don't worry.

11-04-09, 14:38
I had the same type of headache+brain tumour fear before - exactly as you describe, sharp annoying pain above my left eye. I had it for about 6 months and it went as after two visits at a neurologist's managed to convince me that I didn't have a brain tumour.
Pleas don't worry and then it will go :hugs:

11-04-09, 15:08
I really appreciatedyou all replying. Every time I have a new panic it feels like all the previous ones have been explainable but 'this one is different'. I know the cycle. I know how my brain sifts and sorts info all the time but this pain feels so frightenening. The pain in my eye is so specific and actually behindit and despite meds it just isn't going. My left side of my face also feels cold. I just feel huge fear all the time. When will it end?

12-04-09, 13:57
Hi Rhianna,

I sympathise with you hun as I,m going through exactly the same as you atm. I too have had health anxiety a long time (12 years) and cant convince myself my left eye pain is anxiety. We are our own worst enemies have a hug from me and hopefully we can be strong and fight this damn anxiety :hugs: xxx

12-04-09, 17:36
Hi Mandy

You really have pain actually behind your eye too? I can't see beyond the next 5 minutes and am conscious of the pain all the time. It feels like the muscles behind my eyes are on elastic bands when I llok up.How long have you had it? Have you found anyting that relieves it? I honestly feel like I'm going mad

12-04-09, 20:01
Hi Rhiana,

My pain goes from my left eye right over my nose and round the back of my head too. I,ve had it since I woke up this morning and its still here driving me crazy and diagnosing allsorts. I havent left my bedroom all day I,m sat here with my laptop and a book going from google to reading to playing games here on the site. Nothing is easing mine I just hope and pray by tomorrow its gone or I will sign myself into a mental institution. Sorry you too are having the same problem at the mo :hugs: If I can be of any help please PM me hun. xxx