View Full Version : im scrared can someone help me please ladies only

11-04-09, 12:58

looking for a little help please

i have a miscarrige on the 7th of feb i took my first af on the 20th march bleed for over 10 days then brown discharge untill thursday.

i have woke up today with cramp its below my belly button right across my tummy it comes and goes its not painfull but i know its there.

im not due my next period untill next friday.

we have been trying for a baby this month

i have also been peeing alot and my breast are sore and i have tirdness im not bleeding nor am i spotting.

the peeing alot the doc thought i had a urine infection could it be that im so scared.

before my misscarrige my periods came every 12th of the month.


11-04-09, 13:07
Hi Taylor.
Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I also had one 17th December, i was 3 month's and 1 day :(
You could always call NHS direct for some advice :) probably the safest thing to do.

If you do have a water infection the pains could be down to that? I know i suffered alot when i was pregnant and i had very bad stomach cramps with them.

Take care, & let us no how you get on :)

11-04-09, 13:12

tks i have had the peeing for a few weeks now the cramping just came on today.

i dont really want to call nhs 24 to scared to incase i haev something really wrong.

i am waiting for the results to come back from the doctor have to wait untill tue.

did u have any symtpons with urs i dont no stining no buring no nothing

11-04-09, 13:17

looking for a little help please

i have a miscarrige on the 7th of feb i took my first af on the 20th march bleed for over 10 days then brown discharge untill thursday.

i have woke up today with cramp its below my belly button right across my tummy it comes and goes its not painfull but i know its there.

im not due my next period untill next friday.

we have been trying for a baby this month

i have also been peeing alot and my breast are sore and i have tirdness im not bleeding nor am i spotting.

the peeing alot the doc thought i had a urine infection could it be that im so scared.

before my misscarrige my periods came every 12th of the month.



Sorry to hear about your miscarrige.:hugs:

My initial thought regarding you having to pee a lot, I was also thinking a urine infection. This is what usually happens if you have this. Did your doctor test you for this ?

When you say that you usually come on, on the 12th of every month, this has now probably completely changed because of your miscarrige, your hormones maybe alittle disturbed, which probably explains your soreness too.

The pain you are having could be to do with your infection, but could also be part of premenstral symptoms, It's not unusal for myself to have pains two weeks before my period.

Another possibility, could be that you are pregnant again,.. maybe. This would be happy news :). Another sign to have to go to pee too many times and could also explain your soreness.

Your body and mind must be feeling quite fragile right now and so I wanted to wish you well and also the best of luck in trying for a new baby.

Take care of yourself xx:flowers:

11-04-09, 13:18
Try no to worry to much, i dont think it will be anything serious :)

When i first found out i had a water infection, i had no obvious symptoms except peeing frequently. Then throughout my pregnancy i got them every other week from being about 6 weeks.. I had stomach pain, pain down there (sorry to be frank) and also had a burning sensation everytime i went to the loo, and occasionally abit of bleeding.

Are you on any antibiotics??


11-04-09, 13:19
Thanks Katie :) x

11-04-09, 13:24

no not on antibotica my own doctor didnt think it was a urine infection it was another doctor who said it i have handed in a sample will get the results on tue.

when i usually fall pregant i always get the peeing bit first.

but i know it cant be that seem i have cramp.

i dont have any stining buring smelly pee.

the only thing is maybe my body is trying to get back to normall.

i have no bleeding.

my boobs are killing me

11-04-09, 13:26

You never know, maybe you are pregnant :)

Do you feel fit and healthy in your self?


11-04-09, 13:30

yeah i feel fine apart from anexity been feeling sickish aswell for the past few days but that could be my periods comming

also been realy tired been sleeping at 10 most nights.

can u still be pregnant and have cramp?

my own doctor thought no infection cause i ddint have any sympotons but dont think there can be any.

11-04-09, 13:36
Do you find you anxiety worsens when your period is due? I do :(

Thats wierd, when i was pregnant by 10 o clock every night i was sooooo tired.

Yeah, you can still be pregnant and have cramps. You'll find some women get cramps round about the time it is implanting into your womb.


11-04-09, 13:43
tks u have helped clam me down i will keep a eye on it and c if my period comes the cramping is easying off now.

i normall do get anextity when my periods come i have been realy good lately been panic free.

just when theses things happen it sets it off.

i didnt think i had a chance of maybe being pregnant cause of teh cramps never had them before.

although saying that my sis did she got cramp thought they where coming and she was pregnant.

im so sorry about ur miscarrige i had a natural one my baby died at 6 weeks was 13 weeks before it came away naturally.

tks agian

11-04-09, 13:45
I really think you maybe pregnant again, my signs were weeing, sore boobs absolute tiredness and yes cramping. I was confused because I was cramping like period, but I was pregnant. It is quite commom to have cramps during early pergnancy. I had them on and off until I was 16 weeks.

I suggest you take a test


11-04-09, 13:48
No problem :) - I feel good now knowing i've hepled!!
Feel free to PM me any time, and keep me updated.

Glad to here your panic has been better, mines getting there, just wish i could shake off this constant anxiety feeling!!

So you never know :) .. Do you have children?

Thank you .. Mine was a similar experience :(


11-04-09, 14:04
i will leave it a week then take a test think u can only test so many days before ur period arrives and mine being a bit weird the now ill leave it till next weekend.

i have 3 kids and 1 miscarrige with 3 of then it was the peeing i had thats how i knew.

i still have anexity hate the bubble u get in ur tummy but i havent went into a panic in a long time.

just takes time.

but i can go out now and i enjoy that

tks for ur replys

still peeing like mad been 3 times in a hour and im peeing loads lol

11-04-09, 17:08
you could get a 'first response' test :)

Ahh right, well could well be that your pregnant again.

aw bless ya.. take care hun


11-04-09, 18:28
Hi there

I am sorry to hear about your miscarriage my love. It may be that your body is not back to normal yet it takes time for all the hormones to settle down so its not surprising that your periods are not regular yet. Also you def can get cramps while pregnant, during my first few weeks of pregnancy I felt the feeling you get before you are due your period - i kept going to the loo expecting my period but it wasnt.

let us know how you get on xx

11-04-09, 18:49
thats what i was thinking my body wasnt back to normall the cramps have eased off now its just like a dull ache deff think its my periods comming.

i have been running to the loo all day peeing alot more than i was but still no blood its like i have the ache but i dont feel like there coming if u know what i mean.

tks for ur replys yous have been great