View Full Version : pain in jaw - scares me, please help - I need reassurance!

11-04-09, 18:05
Hi All,

I have had a stressful couple of days. My partner & I are househunting at the mo & needed to make a decision on a cottage we saw yesterday. I also had many committments I had to fulfill yesterday. It was a good day, althought I was anxious, I did not have a PA. Today however, is a different story. First of all my dog, who has a terminal liver ailment is not well today. I then had a pain in my jaw which I immediately thought "oh my goodness" what if it is a sign of a heart attack. I then had a PA which made me even more fearful. I am trying SO hard to FACE the panic, to RELAX into the attack. I am trying self talk. I try to tell myself that it is JUST ANXIETY & PANIC & that I do not have a life threatening condition. I am trying to identify & face the triggers so that I can break the cycle of fear-adrenalin-fear. Please please give me some feedback, tell me how you manage, please reassure me that it is JUST PANIC. H-E-L-P

11-04-09, 18:10
i get it too along with my headaches on the left side, just to be sure you could check with your doctor but it doesn't sound to me that serious but hey i'm 18 and i'm sure the doctor knows more than me :)
i get head/face pains allllllll the time

11-04-09, 21:22
Thanx Jade

11-04-09, 21:37

I assume you have been to your GP in the past and been advised that your symptoms are anxiety related because this is certainly what it sounds like.

To make you feel more at ease I get jaw ache along with arm a leg ache. Yes, at times it makes me worry but it goes away. At the end of the day I know it is down to anxiety. As it is for you.

11-04-09, 21:44
hey hun this is anxiety, when you get panicky you tnse up and this creates pressure in the head and the face, i get this all the time at work, its nothing bad just anxiety honest x

12-04-09, 09:57
Thanx for the support guys, I really,really need it. I feel so sad today:weep: . I have let myself down as I had planned on going to church ( I sing in the choir) this morning but I just felt that I am tired of battling daily with this condition. I try so hard to prevent it from overwhelming my day to day living but it saps my energy to continually push forward. I do not allow myself to show my fears to my partner bc I do not want it to cast a huge cloud over our existence. I try to contain my anxiety, my fears so that I can IGNORE it as much as possible. Today is a day where I cannot do it, I am struggling. I now feel that I have let my friends down. I am not feeling very brave today. At times like this I long for the love, support of my family & friends back in SA.iT IS INCREDIBLY hard to leave your home country & try to make a new life in a new country. Do not get me wrong, I love England, I feel so blessed to be here but I am so so sad & feel so so vulnerable.
I do apologise for the long post.

12-04-09, 10:48
Hi Blot,

I'm from another country as well (northern Europe) and I often wonder if I'd be less anxious if I lived back home, but I love England!
You're not alone here, and just think how much "smaller" the world is these days with all the technology and cheaper flights etc, everyone is closer than you think! Hope you feel better soon.

12-04-09, 11:03
Thanx Summer!

12-04-09, 23:15

I noticed you said that you keep your fears to yourself because you don't want to cast a cloud over you and your partners life. Please bear in mind that at times it can be better to share problems and by doing so it may help anxiety issues.

I used to keep things to myself and to be quite honest I think it made them worse. I am now quite open about about my anxiety and it works for me. It may do the same for you.