View Full Version : have ran out!

11-04-09, 18:43
Hi all

Just wondered if anyone has any advice...

I have ran out of citalopram and cant find my prescription, have searched high and low but no where to be found...this means that I wont be able to get anymore til Tuesday from today (Saturday) I am on 30mg.

I am really worried that I will feel side effects for the next few days of not taking them but there's nothing else I can do. I am gutted I can't take my wonder drug for a few days as have been on the approx 6 weeks now.

Does anyone know if I will get any side effects the next few days from NOT taking them? :shrug:


11-04-09, 18:52
I wouldnt take the chance of finding out whether you will get withdrawal effects. Could you ring NHS Direct and ask them for advice...maybe you could get some from your local hospital if you explain the situation? or maybe visit an out of hours chemist and see what the chemist suggests?
Maybe you will be fine but personally I wouldnt like to chance it.
Hopefully you will be able to get hold of some. :yesyes:

11-04-09, 19:22
Poppy is right. If you call NHS they have an option for people who have ran out of their medications!

Please give them a call and try not to worry as i am sure it can be sorted very quickly.

Kind regards


11-04-09, 21:47
you could contact the drs emergency service and ask for a prescription. I would not risk not taking it. You will feel the effects and it might set you back-get some please x

11-04-09, 22:08

I did exactly the same with Fluoxetine. I realised I ran out yesterday morning and so did exactly the same as you and was in the predicament of thinking I had to go through a horrible withdrawl until Tuesday. I have been through this before with another med. PLEASE if you can try your best for somebody to prescribe them to you. You cannot wait until Tuesday !

I first called NHS Direct who then advised me to call my local Drs Surgery, you will then get in touch with an Emergency System who will be able to arrange your medication for you. Talk to them now so they can sort something out.

I too was in a mess, thinking I was in for it, having forgotten to collect new ones. Even though it's Easter Sunday, I'm sure you will be able to pick something up, whether from another chemist or the hospital. Luckily for myself, they faxed through a prescription to Sainsburys that was open all day. I was over the moon !

Please call your Dr's Surgery and let us know. Am sure something can be sorted out for you tomorrow.

TC xx

12-04-09, 00:28
I was on Citalopram for about 3 months although 20mg and I ran out too and didn't ring up for another prescription but fortunately had no side effects whatsover coming off it although I didn't really have many when I went on it. I did feel better when I was taking it though as my anxiety has come back again now I've stopped and I can't stop thinking about the dreaded 'C' word.:weep: I am going to go back to the doctors next week to see if I can go back on it again.

12-04-09, 11:17
Thanks for your posts guys, i wish i had read this yesterday, no major side effects yet, although i feel quite 'spaced' out...i feel like a bit of a loon calling a doc on easter sun for citalopram, wont they think i'm just a great big pain in the backside??

Don't know who to call!


12-04-09, 13:59
Snowdrop you need to call your Dr's surgery, you'll then get through to the Emergency System, who can then fax through a prescription to a supermarket pharmacy.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for your posts guys, i wish i had read this yesterday, no major side effects yet, although i feel quite 'spaced' out...i feel like a bit of a loon calling a doc on easter sun for citalopram, wont they think i'm just a great big pain in the backside??

Don't know who to call!


12-04-09, 14:34

my advice would be to ring your doctor's surgery's normal number (today!) and the answerphone will give you a number for the out of hours service, ring that and they will arrange an appointment for you to see an emergency doctor who can prescribe a few days of your medication for you to see you thorugh the weekend. please dont just leave it, you will more than likely suffer from some side effects.

i had to do this a few weeks ago when my partner picked up my repeat prescription for me and they had prescribed me fluoxetine which i hadnt been on for a year! went to emergency docs and they were really nice and didnt think badly of me for it at all. it was over a weekend and if i hadnt gone i would have run out next day.

good luck and hope you get hold of some quickly:hugs:

12-04-09, 15:17
Thankyou all so much for your advice..

I called my docs, which put me through to an emergency number. The doctor was SO lovely and understanding and she said she would rather i didnt wait til Tuesday for more as you shouldnt just stop. So I have just been and collected a 2 week emergency supply...couldn't get them down my neck quick enough!!

Am SO relieved and thanks to you all, otherwise I would have just waited til Tuesday

Thankyou, Thankyou!! :bighug1: