View Full Version : *new and going insane*

11-04-09, 22:01
im katie, 24, married to my beautiful hubby and have a gorgeous son who is a year and half old.

i have a lovely life...yet im going insane - im totally obsessed with dying, completely obsessed, im convinced im going to have a brain haemorrage or have a non treatable brain tumour. :(
i cannot stop thinking about it...
iv got a constant headache - and also more frighteningly head pains...happen randomly mostly front right hand side of head though.
had a head xray confirmed i have sinusitus, but in my mind i am convinced its something worse.
im experiancing horrible panic attacks, and awful nausea - but i dont know if that is a symptom of something sinister of just the panic and anxiety?
this has been happening on and off for 4 years now, following a termination of pregnancy. but it seems to have become very servere in the last 3 ish months.
i feel like im mental / dying. im terrified i wont see my beautiful little boy grow up.
sorry to whinge on. im off to read all the other threads and hopefully feel comforted that its not just me that feels this wappy!!! :)
love katie x

12-04-09, 00:38
Hi Katie, keep bumping into you lol. I do believe that headaches can be caused by anxiety. I also believe that the brain is such a powerful tool and it can make you think and feel physical pain. For example 3 years ago my grandad had a heart attack and so did my best friend (he was 18 at the time) during the whole time i was convinced i was next. I had actual symptoms of a heart attack but it was all anxiety. :(

Keep in touch mate!! :)

Sah xx:wacko:

12-04-09, 06:48
im katie, 24, married to my beautiful hubby and have a gorgeous son who is a year and half old.

i have a lovely life...yet im going insane - im totally obsessed with dying, completely obsessed, im convinced im going to have a brain haemorrage or have a non treatable brain tumour. :(
i cannot stop thinking about it...
iv got a constant headache - and also more frighteningly head pains...happen randomly mostly front right hand side of head though.
had a head xray confirmed i have sinusitus, but in my mind i am convinced its something worse.
im experiancing horrible panic attacks, and awful nausea - but i dont know if that is a symptom of something sinister of just the panic and anxiety?
this has been happening on and off for 4 years now, following a termination of pregnancy. but it seems to have become very servere in the last 3 ish months.
i feel like im mental / dying. im terrified i wont see my beautiful little boy grow up.
sorry to whinge on. im off to read all the other threads and hopefully feel comforted that its not just me that feels this wappy!!! :)
love katie x

You say you have had this problem for 4 years well if it had really been a brain haemorrhage or a non treatable brain tumour you would have most probably been dead by now so obviously you haven't.

I think it is all to do with the termination and how you feel. Is there any professional person you can talk to about it? I am pretty sure that this is the root cause of your problems.


MTA Sinus problems can be agonising.

12-04-09, 17:21
hi sarah, thanks for the reply... ill reply to your pm as soon as my little boy has had his tea and is in bed!! :)
thanks for the advice also babe....there is a logical side to me - that thinks it is definitely the anxiety causing my symptoms, but when i get one of the headaches all logic goes out of the window and i start having a panic attack... :(

thanks also for the other reply from the other poster - however - im not silly - i know that if i had had the exact same symptoms for the last four years then i wouldnt be scared of the health issues that i stated above.
i meant that i have been suffering panic attacks and anxiety for the last four ish years.

the headaches are relatively new to be honest, the first time i went to dr about them was only 6ish months ago - and they have been more frequent and painful in the last 3 ish months...and are pretty intense recently and i would go as far to say that they are now there everyday.

anyway, thank you for your replies. there seems to be a mass of supportive info on this site, i will continue to look through it.

katie x

12-04-09, 17:57
hi sarah, thanks for the reply... ill reply to your pm as soon as my little boy has had his tea and is in bed!! :)
thanks for the advice also babe....there is a logical side to me - that thinks it is definitely the anxiety causing my symptoms, but when i get one of the headaches all logic goes out of the window and i start having a panic attack... :(

thanks also for the other reply from the other poster - however - im not silly - i know that if i had had the exact same symptoms for the last four years then i wouldnt be scared of the health issues that i stated above.
i meant that i have been suffering panic attacks and anxiety for the last four ish years.

the headaches are relatively new to be honest, the first time i went to dr about them was only 6ish months ago - and they have been more frequent and painful in the last 3 ish months...and are pretty intense recently and i would go as far to say that they are now there everyday.

anyway, thank you for your replies. there seems to be a mass of supportive info on this site, i will continue to look through it.

katie x

Sorry about the mix up I still think you have nothing to worry about (especially the brain haemorrhage - you have had it too long to be that).

I mentioned my friend who has migraine every week and has to take to her bed. She has suffered with them for years. Do you think it is something like that?

12-04-09, 18:07
It does seem pertinent that this started after a termination. Do you think talking to someone about it might help? Especially after having your son. It has maybe awoken feelings in you that you would rather not have. I had terrible health anxiety after my first child. I think it stemmed to a one night stand I had where I was convinced I had contracted HIV and therefore given it to my hubs and baby.

12-04-09, 18:30
I agree with everyone else hun that it is most likely to do with the terminiation and feelings brought up about it..then when you get even more stressed,then headaches and things will happen,and you can feel sick obviously with it too.

If it was a brain tumour or anything awful like that,you would be much much worse if not dead by now hun.

Though it's a constant battle to rationalise with ourselves isnt it? Always have to look for the worst thing.

I hope you feel some comfort form the replies hun. I know it helps me
