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11-04-09, 22:19
im katie :)
im 24 from london but live in the east midlands
i have a beautiful beautiful husband and an amazing son who is one and half years old.
iv been driving myself bonkers for about 4 years on and off now, since having an abortion. sometimes im fine, other times i have massive panic attacks and severe health anxiety.
iv seeked councelling for this, which helped to some degree, it didnt make it go away, but it helped me control it for a while. but the last 3 ish months, its back with a vengence, im having head pain nausea and panic attacks and am convinced im going to die. :(
i want it to go away, i want to live my life. instead of waste it. i want to laugh and play etc like i should be as a mummy, without the constant fear that im not going to see my little boy grow up.
i hope to get to know some people on here going through the same....
the doctor has diagnosed me with sinusitus, but im convinced the headaches for that cant be as bad as those that im getting.
the doctor also has given me a prescription for prozac, for OCD but the pure O form...ie obsessional thoughts of dying etc.
but im yet to take them, as i want to try and get rid of these terrifying things myself before turning to anti depressants.
sorry iv gone on!! anyway...
thats me....katie xxx

11-04-09, 23:11
Hi Katie. I am new to this site too. I hope you find help on here. I read the 'health anxiety' tab on the menu? it really helped me today. I keep reading through it and its really good.

I do think, if your doctor has prescribed anti -d's you should give them a try. They do help.

Feel free to message me if you want to chat.

Sarah x

11-04-09, 23:38
thanks sarah, i too have been on the health anxiety bit....seems im not the only one who feels like they are going mad! :)
will pm you honey...

12-04-09, 08:26
Hi and welcome....I to am a mummy...
I dont laugh at the minute either:weep:


Tori Frances
12-04-09, 09:35
I also had an abortion, and although I have had anxiety/depression in the past, it was this, last year that brought it back with a vengeance. I don't have health anxiety as such more general +panic+ severe depression. If you ever want to talk about the abortion and how it has affected you I can probably relate.
Lucky you, to now have a lovely son. I hope he can help you break through the dark times. I feel like I might never manage to have children as whole thing so traumatising - complicated.

12-04-09, 11:24
Hi there! I'm new to the website too, but have found it very helpful so far in terms of finding support -- and just the relief that comes with knowing that there are others who have worries just like me.
I can understand the hesitation about going on meds, but you should trust your doctor. I'm sure s/he has your best interest in mind.
Take care,

12-04-09, 11:27
Hi Katie

What part of the east midlands do you live? I live in Mansfield.


12-04-09, 12:42
Hi Katie

Welcome to the site I think you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


12-04-09, 16:00
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice and support here, the chatroom is very good as well, take care xx

12-04-09, 17:32
hi people thank you for the replies..!
tetley - thanks for the advice and thank you for saying about the headaches with the sinuses - how bad do you feel that they are due to sinuses?

to all who asked questions, i will pm you :)

this seems like a really friendly forum - before having my little boy id never been one to go on forums etc, but i got introduced to a mother and baby website / forum which i found invaluable throughout pregnancy and even now...
before that i never really understood why ppl would go onto forums...now i know....! :)

im a very normal girl, have some amazing best friends lovely hubby and gorgeous son, but the advice on some forums is brilliant. already reading through a few of the many posts on here, i feel a little comforted that others are going through exactly the same as me! :)

thanks girls! :) and guys! ;)
katie xx

12-04-09, 19:26
Hi Katie,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,
