View Full Version : Just had panic attack...Advice please

11-04-09, 22:32
I have not had a panic attack since August and just now I sat down to watch a film and next moment I got the sensations that I always get before I have one...tingling in back of legs. I tried to distract myself but in a way it just delayed it cos I was super anxious for ages and then it hit full force. I could not breathe and I had to get out into the garden for air and then I got in the bath as that often helps. I have tried my breathing techniques but my breathing is all over the place. I have been really sick - without sounding bad my body just empties itself - sorry that sounds awful doesnt it. My skin colour is really red and normally I am pale. My heart is going so fast - am still shaky and cant breathe properly and needed to get on here to help distract myself - for some reason this time the panic attack is not subsiding. What do I do???? I am just lying in bed trying to calm down but its not happening :weep:

11-04-09, 22:37
Poppy hun it sounds like you are hyperventilating & like yourself i once had one that went on for a good hour it was horrid.
Try the paper bag techniques or the other thing i was told was pace your house shaking your arms & body it almost brings it out of you. It will subside you really do just have to distract yourself, wash up anything. remeber they wont kill you hun xxx

11-04-09, 22:53
Thanks Nickie for reply
I am trying so hard yet I keep being sick and I my whole body is shaking uncontrollably like a fit- typing this is hard. My heart is racing so fast and have chest pains.I just cant get it under control - dont knwo what to do.

11-04-09, 23:01
You really need to distract your self and find something to do to take your mind off it. How about playing games such as the aphabet game where you pick a topic and you have to go through the whole alphabet and think of an answer eg, girls names, boys names, colours, countries.

You also need to focus really hard on breathing. Try singing your favourite song out loud.

Hope you feel better soon xxx

11-04-09, 23:27
:hugs: Hi Poppy, just read your post.

Sorry you're feeling bad. Kells and nickie have good advice. The paper bag may sound daft, but it will help your breathing. Sometimes its just too hard getting it under control.

Try to breath out for one count longer than you breathe in. I try for 3 in and 4 out, depending on how bad I am, sometimes its longer or shorter, but it really does help.

The NMP first steps page says: "Breathing- Learn to breathe from your diaphragm, your tummy should rise and fall with your breath as well as your chest. Ensure your out breath is longer than the in one. A count of 4 in – 6 out is great. Use this as soon as you feel panic rising. Alternatively, if you find this difficult hold your breath for a few seconds. This resolves the dizzy feeling."

Here's the link, its actually one of the most helpful things I've read!




the symptoms page. Helped me realise that my body thinks there is a reason to behave this way, and having it explained helped me make sense of it and stay more in control.

Hope the links work, and help you start feeling better soon.:hugs:

11-04-09, 23:42
Hi Poppy,

When I'm in a panic I like to close my eyes and try to picture a colour or image (like a rainbow, or a bird, or the butterflies trying to escape from my chest being released) of my choice. Inhale for as long as you can, hold it for 2 seconds & slowly exhale for as long as you can. Put your hands on your belly and try to get your breath to go deep into your belly so you can feel it rise and fall. Repeat for 10-20 breaths. You might still feel a sense of doom, but you will be able to breathe, then try to soften your breath again & come out of the relaxation exercise.

Sometimes you may have to just accept that you feel terrible because something has upset you or reminded you of something that upsets you & know that these moments always pass with time. If you write down everything that's bothering you, you can break it into smaller problems that are more solvable. Your mind could be racing & saying things so fast it seems like a bigger deal than it is.

12-04-09, 00:12
remember during an attack,to get up and walk around this will burn of adrenalin and should ease the attack,an attack can last half an hour but when you are suffering palpitations it seems longer,also talk to someone whilst the attack is happening this also helps

12-04-09, 22:24
Hello everyone
Thank you all for your helpful replies. I am going to take on board all the things you have said - I did the breathing technique earlier when I sensed another panic attack happening, and it did help...it was only a small one compared to last nights.
I really appreciate all your help :)

12-04-09, 23:58
Dear Poppy,

I am glad that you are feeling better. It sounds like you have made some good progress with easing off a panic attack, and recognizing the symptoms before they occurred that time. Good stuff!

Be happy :)
