View Full Version : I am new

11-04-09, 23:21
Hi. My name is Sarah. I am 24 and i live in essex. I have suffered with panic attacks since i was 10 off and on. It has always varied what i have been afraid of, being away from my mum(when i was 10-14) being away from boyfriends, convincing myself my partner is cheating and now - the most recent ones and the worst ones - its having a serious illness and dying.

I am so glad i have found this site. Just reading posts today i am feeling a lot better.

Pleased to meet you all!

Sarah xxx

11-04-09, 23:29
Dear Sarah,

I am new to. My councilor said that my anxiety was from abandonment issues. Everyone has been very supportive so far. I think this site shows us that what we are going through is not as strange as we think, it's just not something that is spoken of in society.

I am glad you are feeling better, I hope you have a great day :)


11-04-09, 23:39
sarah, its weird you say about the boyfriends leaing you etc, as i had that too in my late teens....
i wonder what made us like this?!?! x

12-04-09, 00:30
Katie, its weird isn't it. it really ruled my life back then. I feel very secure in my current relationship but i think thats because i went through it before and i survived so i know i can do it again. I have 100% trust in my fiance but perhaps he is just move of a trustworthy person? lol i dont know! x

12-04-09, 16:02
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice and support here, the chatroom is very good as well, take care xx

12-04-09, 19:01
Hi Sarah,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,
