View Full Version : Feeling Worse!!

13-08-05, 16:07
I am feeling alot worse today! I really feel like i am gasping for breath and i keep asking my partner if i am out of breath and she says that i look fine so i can feel it but no-one on the outside can see it i feel like i have to gasp and take a big deep breath now and again!

I feel really breathless and it cant be be my asthma as taking my inhalers is not touching it at all, all i can think of is it is either anxiety or a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs).

Also since yesterday i have been getting alot of aches and pains especially in the chest and stomach area and it wotn go away.

I feel very very weak and low in energy and cant be bothered to talk or do anything its terrible.

I am getting married next saturday and i dont want to be feeling this bad that day i am not nervous or anxious about getting married!

I just feel terrible ive had this for 3 or 4 days now and i just wish it would calm down or go away!

13-08-05, 16:35

I've had this a little bit too lately - it does come and go. I do know how you feel as the same thoughts run through my head too (even though I know I'm being dramatic).

I give myself a little time out and go and have 20 mins breathing nice and slowly and down into my tum to help alleviate it.

Its not surprising that you feel a little anxious with the wedding coming up - but its going to be fab day!!!!!!!

If you can get hold of Glenn Harrold Cd's which are really relaxing (good book shops have them) I would take 30 mins out of your day to chill out and listen to one in the pre wedding run up - very helpful and calming.

Love Piglet :D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-08-05, 16:36
Try stretching your arms up and then behind you - that will ease the chest pains.

Good luck with the wedding - hope it all goes well.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

13-08-05, 18:48
Does anyone like meg or nicola know much about pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs?) i know they cause breathlessness and sudden chest pain and if its a large one can kill within aday or 2 without treatment, a small one you have achance of surviving.

I read this story once this woman who had a c section to have her baby delivered had a large pulmonary embolism she was breathless and had chest pain they diagnosed asthma, 2 days later she was admitted to hospital and they found out it wasnt asthma but it was a pulmonary embolism but it was too late she suffered a cardiac arrest and died.

But i worry if i had a large blood clot in my lungs they would just say to me its my asthma then the same thing would happen to me as they often misdiagnose pulmonary embolisms!

13-08-05, 19:19
Which of the risk factors do think that you have that leads you to believe you are vulnerable to having a PE ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-08-05, 19:32

Sorry I can't help as I know nothing about them atall.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

13-08-05, 19:37
I know the main people at risk of getting a pulmonary embolism are people who are pregnant or just had a baby, people who have just had surgery in their stomach or legs, elderly people who spend alot of time in bed, overweight people, smokers etc well i am slightly overweight i am 13 stone and apparently i should be about 11- 11 and a half stone that is my only risk factor i think but i could still get one its not impossible.

13-08-05, 19:49
HI Andrew,

Sorry to hear your not feeling too well, i know where your coming from, this morning I was very dizzy & breathless but I do accept that it is down to anxiety which helps me in dealing with it. I find if i tell someone how i fell , such as my fiance, he then makes sure we're chatting or doing somthing so it takes my mind off thinking abut the breathlessness.

It will pass.

You getting married next week? Wow! I hope you have a fantastic day! :D

I think myabe in the back of your mind you may be a little anxious about the wedding ( this isnt bad!) and maybe its just taking its toll on you today.

You will feel better & you have a fantastic day t look forward to!!!

I hope it all goes well.

Tatty B xx

13-08-05, 19:53

I guess we can all say that we are at risk from all sorts of illnesses and diseases but I just don't think about it. The chances are so slim.

My philosophy on life is "what will be will be". I can't change it so if it will happen it will happen.

All we can do is look after our bodies and reduce the risks in those way. Other than that then it is all up to chance I am afraid.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

13-08-05, 20:16
I have been feeling unwell for the last 3 days or so but feel worst today my stomach is really hurting! my ear is blocked up and i can hardly hear out of it i feel really really short of breath and im getting horrible aches and pains ive tried doing exercise and having a bath but still feel terrible, the stomach and just above my stomach is hurting alot dont know why that is!

13-08-05, 20:18
Perhaps a visit to the docs is needed eh? He will check you out and reassure you.

Sometimes us sufferers do get ill for real - I mean other than panic/anxiety etc. There is nothing wrong with asking doc to check us out.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

14-08-05, 21:04
Feeling even worsr today, really gasping for breath dont know why!

14-08-05, 21:39
But your girlfriend says that you aren't and you are breathing normally.

If you really really don't think it is anxiety then I would go and see the doc.

Whats do you really believe?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

14-08-05, 22:39
hi Andrew. Hope you feel better soon. You are probably just thinking about it and therefore are making it seem like your breathing isn't normal. This is very easy to do. Speaking to your GP might make you feel better. :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

15-08-05, 00:53
hi andrew i really think that anxiety is getting the better of you. Although you dont feel it i think it may have something to do with your wedding that is coming up. You'll not think your anxious but your body maybe saying it is. Just try and relax, do some breathing excersises this may help you. And as for the clot on the lungs the more you think that, the more you will believe it because anxiety gets you like that. Its typical of anxiety.

Take care

15-08-05, 20:55
I am still not feeling any better still feeling like i am gasping for air and feeling like i cannot breath!

My partner still says that i dont seem to be gasping for air or really breathless, she says if i had a lung blood clot i would be really really gasping for air and everyone would be able to see that also that i would get bad chest pains instead of mild ones!

Dont know if i will go and see the doc yet, i am not nervous about my wedding on saturday but maybe my mind is i dont know, see if i feel any better after that before i decide whether to see a doc or not.

I have still been getting stomach aches and pains as well, but the breathing is worrying me most and sometimes when i take my inhaler the aches in my chest and breathing sometimes temporarily goes away for alittle while which seems abit weird but im not wheezing or anything!

15-08-05, 20:58
Can someone suggest ways to calm down my chest pains and breathlessness feelings?

I have tried exercising today and tried breathing techniques and stuff but nothing seems to work any have alist of ideas that might help calm this down?


15-08-05, 20:59

Just go careful that you are not using your inhaler too much as well cos that will not be good for you either. There must be a maximum dosage that you can take in any one day.

Are you all ready for the wedding then?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

15-08-05, 21:02
Yes all ready for the wedding have all the clothes, my step daughter to be has her dress and my 2 step sons to be are wearing grey suits everything is sorted i am alittle nervous but should be ok, also found out recently that i am to be a real dad for the first time :)

15-08-05, 21:07
Oh wow!

Many congratulations on the great news. Bet you are really excited about that as well!!


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

15-08-05, 21:27
Many congratulations AD ..

Is it any wonder you're feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

Enjoy your day


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

16-08-05, 10:28
Hi Andrew

One breathing method I sometimes use which is good, is to exhale out through an ordinary drinking straw as slowly as possible.

You just take a normal breath in then put the straw to your mouth and exhale as slowly as you can. If you put your hand up to the straw you can feel hot breath coming through, which shows its coming from deep in your body, at first it might be cold air which show you arent breathing deeply.

This from the book by Carola Speads 'Better Breathing'

Love Piglet:D

Congrats on being an expectant father too

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

16-08-05, 13:47
hi andrew
its does sound like classic anxiety symptoms the more you worry and think about it the more anxiety kicks in i use to think if i had a headache i had a tumer or if i had a pain near my heart i was gonna have a heart attack, ive learnt now to stop thinking negative thoughts and think of something else instead, try thinking of your new baby how exiting!!! great advive from piglet ill try that when hyperventilating!!
take care hun
michelle xxx