View Full Version : Obsessed with heartbeat?

12-04-09, 03:26

My docter told me I have anxiety.

But I forgot him to ask something I want to know ..

"Is it possible you have a constant strong (not fast) beating heart .. I can even see it beating in my chest, and stomach"

I'm checking my pulse a few times a day .. And I think I'm obsessed with my heartbeat.

Everytime I feel it beating weird, I'm gonna check it.

And after ive been drinking alcohol, the strongbeating heart is getting worse .. Its gonna beat even harder (not on the day itself, but the day after)

Anxiety? Or should I go back and tell him to check me again.

I'm 20 years old, don't smoke. And Im a bit overweight.

Can anyone help?

Sorry for the bad English. I'm not from there.

12-04-09, 08:33
You are not alone with this symtom, I get it all the time, its not so much its a strong heartbeat, its because you are aware of it and checking it all the time. Anxiety does cause palapataions and alcohol does make them worse.I have had a 24 hour heart moniter on but it came back clear. I would go back and have a chat as I am not a doctor but thats my experience.
Hope you feel better soon.



My docter told me I have anxiety.

But I forgot him to ask something I want to know ..

"Is it possible you have a constant strong (not fast) beating heart .. I can even see it beating in my chest, and stomach"

I'm checking my pulse a few times a day .. And I think I'm obsessed with my heartbeat.

Everytime I feel it beating weird, I'm gonna check it.

And after ive been drinking alcohol, the strongbeating heart is getting worse .. Its gonna beat even harder (not on the day itself, but the day after)

Anxiety? Or should I go back and tell him to check me again.

I'm 20 years old, don't smoke. And Im a bit overweight.

Can anyone help?

Sorry for the bad English. I'm not from there.

12-04-09, 08:43
hi....i have this also...its the anxiety (oh the joys)


13-04-09, 05:01
Three cheers for being obsessed with a heartbeat. Not only do I check my pulse, but I listen to it through my stethoscope.. It's horrible.. FML

13-04-09, 11:36
"Is it possible you have a constant strong (not fast) beating heart .. I can even see it beating in my chest, and stomach"

Definitely! Many people with anxiety have this symptom.

I'm checking my pulse a few times a day .. And I think I'm obsessed with my heartbeat.

This is something I find myself doing a lot, and tell myself not to!

Sorry for the bad English. I'm not from there.

As for this part, your English is wonderful!

Welcome to No More Panic. I am so glad you have found us. This site has helped me so much. Helped me feel I am not alone, and help me understand my symptoms and what panic and anxiety does to my body.

There are two great sections here on Symptoms and Self Help - How to Cope, which are listed on the menu at the left side of the page.




Finding out that the feelings I have are the result of anxiety and adrenaline was so reassuring, I do not find it as scary as before.

I do hope this helps. :)

13-04-09, 11:43
I have quite a strong heartbeat too. I feel it sometimes sort of "bang" in my chest,rather odd but it is anxiety and the more you focus,the more it seems a problem.

Believe me,I been bad that I have had to get up out of bed in the middle of the night just to walk around because I was scared of dropping down dead.

When I look at my stomach It pulses in a weird way..It looks like a baby kicking! I think it just is your blood just travelling all around the body love but if you are really concerned,go to docs :hugs:

Amy xxxx

15-04-09, 20:19
Thanks for all the reactions. I'm "glad" I'm not the only one with those problems.

But I have another question.

As I was reading the links Insomniac gave me, and it says its caused by adrenaline .. I understand that's possible, but I'm not scared 24/7 .. It even beats strong after ive been relaxing or played some footy .. When I don't watch it, I dont feel it. But as soon I'm checking it, its still there .. Very weird.

15-04-09, 23:34
"Is it possible you have a constant strong (not fast) beating heart .. I can even see it beating in my chest, and stomach"

Yes it is. I was once being examined at the doctors and the doctor was explaining to a medical student that because I was slim they were able to see my pulse in my stomach. Sounded revolting to me but I rather liked the bit about being slim! :yesyes:

I'm checking my pulse a few times a day .. And I think I'm obsessed with my heartbeat.

This is very common amongst us anxious folk, many of us do it, myself included!

Sorry for the bad English. I'm not from there.

The way you phrased this sentence made me chuckle and want to hug you. I can't speak any other language than my own so I always think people who can are very clever! :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers: