View Full Version : just went funny

12-04-09, 09:38
was just in bed daydreaming & suddenly felt faint, so I got up & had some breakie then whilst eating breakie, I went really hot. My bloke said it was cold in the room but I was sweating. BP is fine & heart rate is ok but feel all on edge now like they is something wrong.Not had proper panic attack in ages so feel like they is something really wrong & its not anxiety...

12-04-09, 09:55
Could it have been that you were just hungry? I get that sometimes in the morning-it makes me feel a bit faint and then becuase I start worrying about it I get all hot and sweaty.
I am sure there is nothing wrong-keep busy and take your mind off it and I am sure you will feel better in no time xxx

12-04-09, 11:26
Sometimes the food you eat can cause you to feel hot. For example, eggs - in any form - or anything fried or oily - they all can have negative effects on your health (not always, but sometimes depending on your body chemistry). Caffeine is also something else that could make you feel jittery.
Hope you're feeling better.

12-04-09, 11:52
hi all, thanks for your replies. I have a water infection too at the min & was worried it was that & getting worse. Feel like its set me back for the whole day though. :( anyway, up now & watching tv & not felt funny since. Thanks again all & happy easter. xxx