View Full Version : ladys problems

12-04-09, 11:36
i had a bad miscarriage in feb was in hospital for couple of days bleed really bad every since i have had worse health anxiety but every time i get my period 2nd one since miscarriage i panic really bad that i am going to bleed bad again i know that it is just a period and there is nothing else there but i just really worry. my periods are heavy worse than before i just can't relax.

xx toria

12-04-09, 11:45

sorry about ur miscarrige i also had one in feb and like u i bleed loads while i miscarried was very scary only was i can discribe it was a blood bath.

as for heavy periods i have always been heavy but my first one after miscarrige was werid was really light and lasted for ages which did worry me.

did u have a scan to make sure it was complete.

if u did and ur worried about the bleeding go to ur doc they can put u on a hormone tablet which will calm them down.

just keep telling urself its ur period and u will never bleed that bad again.

i aslo worry when mine came last time i thought i would bleed heavy but u wont.

how far where u when it happned

i was 6 weeks but i got to 13 weeks had a natural one

feel free to pm me as we both are going through the same thing


i have been to my doctor who cant put me on them as im trying for another baby.

12-04-09, 11:46
hi toria ive also had a miscarriage and my periods are so irregular since then and that was a year and half ago ive now been bleeding for 3 weeks and like you im getting myself in a state about it hope you feel better soon

12-04-09, 12:06
thanks for replys i have had a scan nothing was left, i was 4 days off going for 12 week scan when started bleeding had scan it had happend about 7-8 weeks and i didnt know but i did have a early scan at 6 weeks and they found a heart beat.i know it is only a period i just get so worried especialy when it is health related .i hope you are ok it does take time to get over a miscarriage thanks again xx

12-04-09, 12:15
periods are scary especially when heavy mine are just getting heavier by the day if your like me you think the worse but hopefully all will settle down for you soon

12-04-09, 12:20
mine where also heavy before my miscarrige really heavy it used to run out me and through my clothes it was horriable i did say to the doc but she didnt seem to concered about that.

amandaj have u spoke to ur doctor about ur periods and them lasting so long.

12-04-09, 12:23
goig to go on tuesday about it but i think it might be cos i had the depo injection and last one run out in spetember this is only secoind time ive bled since then

12-04-09, 12:28
yeah i think it could be that as ur periods must build up since ur not taking one plus i could also be a hormone change.

12-04-09, 12:32
hi all

Needed to reply to this as mine have never been the same since a miscarriage a couple years ago. I seem to get lots of clots even still.

The pain was horrific and the bleeding horrid so I know what you mean. I guess its going to take the body a good while to recover from something like this, its a major thing to happen to the body and it has a hard job making sure there is nothing left.

All the same hun, go to the docs if you are worried, you cant be getting anxious everytime you have a period, we get them too often


12-04-09, 12:41
it does muck up ur body for a long time and i hate it i just want to go back to normall every 28 days suited me it was 6 weeks from miscarrige untill i took my period and even then it was light but lasted for over 10 days then brown discharge for 2 weeks drove me nuts.

and now im even worse i have been peeing loads tiredess sore boobs and now i have a dull ache in my stomach and the colour round my breast are going a light browny pinkie colour.

i think im falling apart.

my periods arnt due untill thursday and i dont normall get all this usually a few days before but this started like 7 days to go.

im tired in the afternoon but when i go to bed i cant sleep untill late although sometimes im asleep at 10pm.

think maybe my body is trying to trick me into thinking its pregnant agian which i have been trying though.

but with that brown disharge i thought i had missed it.